 您现在的位置:图书 > 妙语短篇C2


作  者:(美)麦瑟尔德 编,孙玉 改编

出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社

丛 书:上外一朗文学生系列读物


定  价:8.00

I S B N :9787544610049

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:综合  英语读物  英语与其他外语  






Introduction 前言
1. The Longest Menu in the World
2. Court Case
3. My Friend the Penguin
4, Man at War
5, A Long Silence
6. The Photographer
7. Guilty or Not Guilty
8. Late for Work
9. Speak Your Weight
10. Musical Lions
11. The Witness
12. An Important Friend
13. The Shirt
14. A Present for the Judge
15. Performers
Answer Key 答案



Jack Evans quarrelled with his neighbor, Ellen Brown. Mrs. Brown had a dog. Jack did not like dogs. He wanted Mrs. Brown to give away or sell her dog but she refused.
"I'll take you to court if you don't," he said.
Mrs. Brown laughed at him. She was not worried.
Jack thought, "1 must talk to a lawyer, but lawyers are expensive. I don't want to waste my money. I will waste it if I don't win my case against Mrs. Brown and her dog."
Then Jack had an idea. There was a young lawyer in the town. He did not have much work. Not many people knew about him. "I'll visit him," Jack thought. "He needs work."
He visited the young lawyer in his office. "1 need some advice," he said.
"Certainly," the young lawyer said. "What is your problem? I am here to help you."
"Good. I want to take my neighbor to court. However, I will pay for your advice only if you think I will win the case in court."
The lawyer was not pleased by this suggestion. However, he had very little work. Here was a chance to get some.
"All right," he said. "1 agree. I will listen to your problem. I will give you honest advice. You will pay me only if I think you can win in court."
Jack told him about the problem. The lawyer listened carefully. Sometimes he made notes. When Jack finished, the lawyer sat back in his chair and said, "You will win your case. I have no doubt about it. May I take your case to court?"

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:115

版  次:1版

开  本:大32开

