 您现在的位置:图书 > 妙语短篇D1


作  者:(美)麦瑟尔德(Methold,K) 编;王彤福 改编

出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社

丛 书:上外—朗文学生系列读物


定  价:10.00

I S B N :9787544610063

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:综合  英语读物  英语与其他外语  






Unit 1 The Prize Winner
Unit 2 The Wrong Date
Unit 3 Sales Talk
Unit 4 As Good as New
Unit 5 You Can't Change the Future
Unit 6 Sweet Music
Unit 7 The Last Word
Unit 8 A Foreign Language
Unit 9 The Bet
Unit 10 Not on the Menu
Unit 11 Water! Water!
Unit 12 The Movie-goer
Unit 13 In Agreement
Unit 14 Six Months to Live
Unit 15 Check!
Unit 16 Odd Man Out
Unit 17 Child's Eye View
Unit 18 The Right Place
Unit 19 Not So Stupid
Unit 20 A Little Knowledge



Two old men, Bob and AIf, were waiting in line outside a stadium.
They were waiting to get into a baseball game.
They were both poor and could not afford to watch the game from the best part of the stadium.
They were in line to get into the cheapest section where they would have to stand all the time.
Baseball games were the only pleasure they could afford, and they went to a game every week.
When they reached the gate where a man was checking tickets, Bob showed his ticket and was allowed inside the stadium.
AIf started looking for his ticket.
He looked in his trouser pockets.
He looked in his jacket pockets.
He even looked in his shirt pocket.
The man checking the tickets became impatient.
"What's that in your mouth?" he asked.
"Ah!" AIf exclaimed. "It's my ticket. I knew I had it somewhere."
He took the chewed and soggy ticket out of his mouth and showed it to the man at the gate.
"O.K., O.K." the man at the gate said. "You can go in."
When AIf was inside the stadium, Bob said, "That was a stupid place to keep your ticket."
"It wasn't so stupid," AIf said. "1 was chewing off last week's date!"

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:160

版  次:1

开  本:32开

