 您现在的位置:图书 > 电子商务英语


作  者:邓之宇,张玉玉 编著

出 版 社:武汉大学出版社

丛 书:21世纪实用商务英语教程


定  价:17.00

I S B N :9787307053465

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材  专业科技  >  工业技术  >  电子电气    

标  签:商务外语  商务实务  理论  管理  计算机英语  教材  电子商务  计算机与互联网  综合  职业/行业英语  英语与其他外语  






Chapter 1 Internet and World Wide Web
Section A E-Businen Essentials
The ABC of Internet and World Wide Web
Section B Online Reading Material
The Intemet and Business
Section C Online Surfing
What We Will Need to Get Staxted
Section D Supplementary Reading
E-English Rules the Waves
Chapter 2 Electronic Business Basics
Section A E.Business Essentials
Defining E-Business
Section B Online Reading Material
Power at Last
Section C Online Surfing
An E-mail Account
Section D Supplementary Reading
What's the Meaning of @ in the E-marl Address
Chapter 3 Business-to-Business E-Business
Section A E.Business Essentials
Defining Business-to-Business E-Business
Section B Online Reading Material
How Business-to-Business Works
Section C Online Surfing
Search Engines and DLrectones
Section D Supplementary Reading
Google Is Adding Maior Libraries to Its Database
Chapter 4 Business-to-Consumer E-Business
Section A E.Business Essentials
Defining Business-to-Consumer E-Business
Section B Online Reading Material
Understanding B2C E-Business
Section C Online Surfing
Web Address and Domain Names
Section D Supplementary Reading
From a Librarian to America's Richest Man.
Chapter 5 E-Business Web Site
Section A E-Business Essentials
Reviewing Web Hosting Vocabulary
Section B Online Reading Material
Usability of the E-Business Web Site
Section C Online Surfing
Visiting Online Stores
Section D Supplementary Reading
Big Media, Little Blogosphere
Chapter 6 Marketing Strategy for E-Business ( Ⅰ )
Section A E-Business Essentials
Identifying Marketing Issues
Section B Online Reading Material
E-Marketing Planning
Section C Online Surfing
Online Advertising: Banner Ads
Section D Supplementary Reading
China Promises Intemet Bounty
Chapter 7 Marketing Strategy for E-Business ( Ⅱ )
Section A E-Business Essentials ~
Market Research for E-Business
Section B Online Reading Material
Applying the Marketing Mix to E-Business
Section C Online Surfing
Online Forms
Section D Supplementary Reading
How Auction Sites Work Online
Chapter 8 Electronic Payments
Chapter 9 Security Issues
Chapter 10 Customer Service Strategies


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:173

版  次:1

开  本:0开
