 您现在的位置:图书 > 数控技术专业英语(数控技术应用专业)/高等职业院校国家技能型紧缺人才培养培训工程规


作  者:汤彩萍 中国大陆

出 版 社:电子工业出版社


定  价:19.00

I S B N :9787121009808

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  大学英语    

标  签:英语  高职高专教材  教材教辅与参考书  高职高专英语  教材  大学英语  各工种英语  职业/行业英语  英语与其他外语  






Unit 1 What computer-control programmers and operators do
Part A Text(数控就业)
Part B Grammar and Translation(科技英语的特点)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Job opportunities related to CNC)
Unit 2 What is CNC
Part A Text(数控概念)
Part B Grammar and Translation(被动语态的译法)
Part C Supplementary Reading(We must understand CNC)
Unit 3 Fundamentals of CNC
Part A Text(数控基础)
Part B Grammar and Translation(定语的计法)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Telling the machine what to do - the CNC program)
Unit 4 Know your machine
Part A Text (数控机床)
Part B Grammar and Translation(as的用法)
Part C Supplementary Reading(VM-3 Mold maker)
Unit 5 Understand the motion types
Part A Text(运动类型)
Part B Grammar and Translation(词义的正确选择)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Example program showing three types of motion)
Unit 6 Master the forms of compensation
Part A Text(补偿形式)
Part B Grammar and Translation(省译)
Part C Supplementary Reading(How to program cutter radius compensation)
Unit 7 Format your programs
Part A Text(程序结构)
Part B Grammar and Translation(增译)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Program structure)
Unit 8 CAD/CAM and CNC
Part A Text(CAD/CAM和1 CNC)
Part B Grammar and Translation(连词的用法)
Part C Supplementary Reading(CAM functions)
Unit 9 High speed machining
Part A Text(高速加工)
Part B Grammar and Translation(转译)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Characteristics of high speed cutting)
Unit 10 Learn the HAAS control panel
Part A Text(机床控制面板的操作)
Part B Grammar and Translation(用户说明书的阅读)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Introduction to CNC functions of FANUC 0i)
Unit 11 Maintenance and troubleshooting
PartA Text(机床维护和故障诊断)
Part B Grammar and Translation(长句的译法)
Part C Supplementary Reading(Vibration)
Unit 12 Elements of the computer-controlled factory
Part a Text(计算机控制的工厂的要素)
Part B Grammar and Translation(科技英语翻译小技巧 )
Part C Supplementary Reading(Flexible manufacturing systems(FMS))
Unit 13 AtCIMT
Part A Text(机床展览会)
Part B Writing(如何写英文简历)
Part C Supplementary Reading(At a dinner party)
Appendix A Translation for reference
Appendix B List of G code and M code
Appendix C Technical vocabulary
Appendix D Abbreviations


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:211

版  次:1版

开  本:16

