 您现在的位置:图书 > 成人高等教育英语.第3册(修订版)


出 版 社:上海交通大学出版社


定  价:15.00

I S B N :9787313020086

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  大学英语    

标  签:成人高等教育英语  英语与其他外语  






Unit 1
Text A ConCentration in Reading
Text B Memory
Dialogue At the Post Office
word Study result,supposed
Structure Study Key Structure:1:省略
Reading Practice The Sanctity of Being on Time
Unit 2
Text A Equality for A11
Text B An Interview
Dialogue In the Airport
word Study honour,agree
Structure Study Key Structure:复合宾语
Reading Practice The Mistake
Unit 3
Text A Working for Yourself
Text B Japan’S Control of Relations with Multinational
Dialogue At the Customs
Word Study due,offer
Structure Study Key Structure动名词
Reading Practice The Jeans Money Making Machine
Unit 4
Text A The Quality of Labour
Text B Promotion
Dialogue At a Hotel
Word Study receive.1abour
Structure Study Key Structure l:分词
Key Structure 2:独立结构
Reading Practice Money Matters
Unit 5
.Fext A The Role of Women in the United States
Text B Marry--for what?
Dialogue Complaint
W0rd Study experience。concern
Structure Study Key Structure l:非谓语动词的逻辑
Key Structure 2:非谓语动词的时态


Reading Practice
The Mistake
At the top of the hill, the three riders reined their horses to a stop. They wore blue coats, tan trousers, high boots, and three-cornered hats. The tallest of the riders lifted a pair of field glasses to his eyes and looked out over the fields and woods. 'Tell us, General Washington, what do you see? British soldiers? Campfires?" asked one of the riders.
Washington smiled. "Remember, Lafayette, it will take the British a few days to reach this area from the Delaware River. "
Lafayette looked disappointed. Then General Greene, the third rider, spoke. "General Washington, we have ridden all over this land today, and we still have not found a good place for battle against the British. "
"True enough," Washington sighed.
Greene looked up at the darkening sky. "Look,sir, it's going to storm. "
The three riders started toward a field below them. Black clouds raced across the sky. It began to thunder.
"There' s a house ahead!" shouted Lafayette. "Let' s stop there. "
"Yes, hurry!" Washington led the dash to the farmhouse.
Just as the riders reached the barn near the house, the rain came pouring down. They got off their horses and looked around. A farmer was staring at them. "Why,it's General, sir,welcome. Come into my house and have some food. My son Tom will look after your horses. Our name is Small. "
Washington smiled and went into the house with the farmer.Lafayette followed the General. But Greene stayed with the horses.He was worried. Suppose these were friends of the British. The boy might hide their horses and they would be trapped. But finally he decided to follow the others.
Inside the warm house, Washington sat at the table talking with the farmer. Lafayette was pacing from window to window.Washington looked out the window and said, "Mr. Small, I see this storm will last for hours. I wonder if you would let us stay the night?"
Both Lafayette and Greene looked worried. Greene whispered to the general, "Sir, we can't stay. We don't know if these people are friends or enemies. We might be in British hands by morning!"
Washington said coldly, "We will stay. "
Dinner was good, and even Greene enjoyed it. For a while, he felt at ease and almost forgot his fears. Lafayette also seemed to relax and was talking a mile a minute. But when they went upstairs, all of Greene's fears returned. Without undressing, he lay on top of the bed with his gun at his side and his eyes open. He jumped up with each new sound.
Just before sunrise, Greene heard a horse whinny and a dog bark. Silently he went downstairs and out to the barn. The horses seemed safe. He put his hand on his gray horse.
"Don't do it,sir. " A low voice cut the darkness.
"Who's there?" His hand on his gun, Greene whirled around.
"Run away? What do you mean?" asked Greene.
Tom looked at his feet. "I've been standing watch because I was afraid you were going to slip away with your horse. "
"Fool!" shouted Greene. "You think me a traitor?"
Tom looked uneasy. "Well, you acted so strange, sir. I just thought... There have been lots of deserters--traitors, too. "
Suddenly Greene laughed. "Tom, we're a pair! We both were worried about the same thing. I came down here because I heard some noise and thought the British had trapped us. "
Two hours later at breakfast, Washington looked at Greene and said, "You look like you didn't sleep all night. What's wrong?"
Greene winked at Tom. "Nothing, sir, Tom and I just stood watch all night. "
Washington looked from one to the other hut said nothing.
Later, after they had left the Smalls ', they stopped to rest.Washington broke the silence. "You know, you were right. I did take a risk last night. I was quite wrong. "
Greene could only nod. But Lafayette held out his hand to Washington. "Ah, my general, only a great man will say,'I was
Notes to the Passage
rein 驾驶
tan 棕黄色的
Washington 华盛顿(人名)
campfire 营火
Lafayette 拉斐特(人名)

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装  帧:精装

页  数:318

版  次:2003-8-1

开  本:32/32开

