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出 版 社:Blackwell Publishing Company

丛 书:新东方大愚英语学习丛书


定  价:98.00

I S B N :9781405160933

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    

标  签:英语考试  英语与其他外语  GMAT机考  语言类考试  考试  




THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FOR GMAT VERBAL REVIEW is the only book of its kind on the market written by the creators of the GMAT exam. With real GMAT questions form previous GMAT exams, this guide can help you focus on you verbal skill, with 300 answers and explanation in the following areas: Reading Comprehension. Critical Reasoning. Sentence Correction. Analytical Writing Assessment.
THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FOR GMAT VERBAL REVIEW is an intensive study guide to focus your preparation on the key verbal areas of the GMAT exam. This targeted review helps you get the most out of your study time and improve your verbal skills by focusing on your ability to read and comprehend written material, to reason and evaluate arguments, and to correct written material to conform to standard written English.


1.0 What is the GMAT? 
1.1 Why Take the GMAT Test?
1.2 GMAT Text Format
1.3 What Is the Content of the Test Like?
1.4 Quantitative Section
1.5 Verbal Section
1.6 What Computer Skills Will I Need?
1.7 What Are Scores Calculated?
1.8 How Are Sceores Calculated?
1.9 Analytical Writing Assessment Scores
1.10 Tes Development Process

2.0 How to prepare 
2.1 How Can I Best Prepare to Take the Test?
2.2 What About Practice Tests?
2.3 Where Can I Get Additional Practice?
2.4 Gweneral Test-Taking Suggestions

3.0 Reading Comprehension
3.1 What Is Measured
3.2 Test-Taking Strategies
3.3 The Directions
3.4 Reading Comprehension Saqmple Questions
3.5 Reading Comprehension Answer Key
3.6 Reading Comprehension Answer Explanations

4.0 Critical Reasoning 
4.1 What Is Measured
4.2 Test-Taking Strategies
4.3 The Directions
4.4 Critical Reasoning Sample Questions
4.5 Critical Reasoning Answer Key
4.6 Critical Reasoning Answer Exzplanations

5.0 Sentence Correction  
5.1 Basic English Grammar Rules
5.2 Study Suggestions
5.3 What Is Measured
5.4 Test-Taking Strategies
5.5 The Directions
5.6 Sentence Correction Sample Questions
5.7 Sentence Correction Answer Key
5.8 Sentence Correction Answer Explanations

6.0 Appendix A   
6.1 Percentile Ranking Tables

7.0 Appendix B     
7.1 Reading Comprehension Extra Answer Sheets
7.2 Critical Reasoning Extra Answer Sheets
7.3 Sentence Correction Extra Answer Sheets


Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubton the effectiveness of the solution proposed above?The major causes of delays at the nation's busiest airports are bad weather and overtaxed air traffic control equipment.Since airline deregulation began, the number of airplanes in operation has increased by 25 percent.Over 60 percent of the takeoff and landing slots at the nation's busiest airports are reserved for commercial airlines.After a small Midwestern airport doubled its allocation of takeoff and landing slots, the number of delays that were reported decreased by 50 percent.Since deregulation the average length of delay at the nation's busiest airports has doubled.Unlike the wholesale price of raw wool, thewholesale price of raw cotton has fallenconsiderably in the last year. Thus, although theretail price of cotton clothing at retail clothingstores has not yet fallen, it will inevitably fall.Which of the following, if true, most seriouslyweakens the argument above?The cost of processing raw cotton for cloth has increased during the last year.The wholesale price of raw wool is typically higher than that of the same volume of raw cotton.The operating costs of the average retail clothing store have remained constant during the last year.Changes in retail prices always lag behind changes in wholesale prices.The cost of harvesting raw cotton has increased in the last year.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:328

版  次:1版

开  本:16

