 您现在的位置:图书 > 剑桥少儿英语—教材全解(学生用书)(一级)


作  者:剑桥少儿英语培训及研究中心

出 版 社:西安交通大学出版社


定  价:11.00

I S B N :9787560523934

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  少儿英语    

标  签:英语  科普/百科  英语启蒙  幼儿启蒙  少儿  综合  教材教辅与参考书  少儿英语  儿童英语  剑桥少儿英语  剑桥英语  特色/品牌英语  英语与其他外语  






Unit 1 Hello, I'm Sam.
Unit 2 It' s a goat.
Unit 3 I like apples.
Unit 4 What' s in my hat?
Unit 5 My body and the monster' s
Unit 6 Let' s play games.
Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party
Unit 8 Colours around us
Unit 9 Where is my toy car?
Unit 10 An easy maths lesson
Unit 11 Our family tree
Unit 12 Let' s make friends!
Unit 13 Paper clothes show
Unit 14 Let' s help the old.
Unit 15 A Happy New Year
Unit 16 An English Evening
Unit 1 School Opening Day
Unit 2 "Doing" English in the classroor
Unit 3 Lunch in the garden
Unit 4 We are having an English class.
Unit 5 Let' s play with letters!
Unit 6 More fun at "Word Factory"
Unit 7 I like this reading-room.
Unit 8 Our colour fair
Unit 9 Let's smell the flowers.
Unit 10 Numbers in our lives
Unit 11 A visit to the park of opposites
Unit 12 I like paper-folding lessons.
Unit 13 Happy Children' s Day!
Unit 14 A birthday party
Unit 15 Fun in the playground
Unit 16 I can! You can! Everybody can!


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:188

开  本:32开
