 您现在的位置:图书 > 晨读英语美文100篇(书+带)CET-4(第2版最新修订)


作  者:肖婵

出 版 社:中国社会出版社


定  价:36.80

I S B N :9787884085903

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    


标  签:综合  大学英语四级  英语考试  英语与其他外语  四级写作  英语四级  语言类考试  考试  






1. Happiness
2. The English Character
3. Exercise
4. Olympic Games
5. All I Ever ReaLly Needed to Know I Learned in Kinder-garten
6. Come as You Are
7. An Irish Wedding
8. Challenges of School
9. Building Bridges
10. Struggling in America
11. Comments on the American Dream
12. Medicine for a Broken Heart
13. Leisure and Boredom
14. To Do or Not to Do? The Answer Is a Click-away
15. About Streaking
16. Loving and Learning--A Good Match
17. Being a Whole
18. The Beatles
19. The American Obsession: Fast Food
20. Every Living Person Has Problems
21. Modern American Universities
22. English as a Crazy Language
23. Oh,babies!
24. Butterfly's Wings
25. Difference between Cultures
26. Friendship
27. Encouragement
28. How to Grow Old
29. Free to Soar
30. Weakness or Strength
31. April Showers Bring May Flowers
32. Truancy in Universities--an Analysis
33. My Perfect Wife
34. Ode to Cigarettes
35. Types of University Students
36. The History of Thanksgiving Day
37. Christmas Carols
38. Taking Children to College
39. The Wind
40. Feather in the Wind
41. Problems and Opportunities
42. Is There a Backward Language?
43. Paper Still Has Weight
44. What Happened to Sunday?
45. Old Couple at McDonald's
46. Let Go Love
47. Dating with My Mother
48. The Road to Happiness
49. Vancouver:a World-Famous Port City
50. How to Win Friends and Influence People
51. Stress
52. Companionship of Books
53. I Want to Know
54. The Origin of the Refrigerators
55. The Shadowland of Dreams
56. The Power of Beauty
57. Examinations--a Necessary Evil
58. Building Your Own House
59. The Success Personality
60. Encouragement Can Work Miracles
61. The Two Drives in Man
62. Education and Schooling
63. You Can Have Entertainment at No Cost
64. Versatile Man
65. If I Were a Boy Again
66. information Is Power
67. Did the Earth Move for You?
68. The Lesson of the Bamboo Trees
69. Dissatisfactions at Work
70. Funeral Sermon for Mammy Caroline Barr
71. Money
72. What Is a Typical American Film?
73. The Child's Guardian Angel
74. Things Aren't Always What They Seem
75. The Angler
76. War
77. Born to Win
78. Children's Hours at Home
79. No More Heroes?
80. How to Avoid Foolish Opinions
81. Beautiful Smile and Love
82. Computer Addiction
83. Salaries
84. Volunteers
85. Tourism
86. Work and Play
87. The Story of Sissa
88. Advice to a Young Man
89. A Conversation Between Mr. and Mrs Bennet
90. University Life Under Strain
91. Chinese Americans
92. Paradox of Our Times
93. This I Believe
94. The Importance of Sound
95. Hotter or Colder?
96. People with Disabilities
97. Will Man Conquer Space?
98. Computers:Are They Easier to Use?
99. The Importance of Developing Attitudes
100. Pop Stars


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