 您现在的位置:图书 > 最深刻的寓言(汉英珍藏版)


作  者:徐翰林 编译

出 版 社:天津教育出版社

丛 书:最美系列


定  价:21.80

I S B N :9787530948170

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:综合  作品集  寓言幽默  外国  小说  儿童文学  少儿  寓言童话故事  中英对照本  英语读物  英语与其他外语  寓言故事  民间文学  






Down in a Well
The Bat and the Two Weasels
The Fox and the Sick Lion
The Wolf and the Donkey
The Funeral of the 1ioness
The Fox and the Cockerel
Iion and Gnal
Fox and Cicada
Speckled Sheep
The Fox and the Goat
The Two Gardeners
Purgatory May be Paradise
The Shipwreck of Simonides
Master and the Mice
The Wise Son
The Beggar's Wish
The Bundle of Sticks
The Load
The Old Woman and the Physician
The Little Dog
The Scorpion and the Tortoise
The Eagle, the Cat,and the Wild Sow
The Eagle and the Beetle
Jupiter and the Sheep
The Ass and His Bell
Wolf and Lamb
The Grateful Lion
The Dove and the Ant
The Lazy Donkey
True Heaven
Dog's Friendship
The Fox and the Stork
The Penitent Fox
The Goldem Goose
The Lion and The Mouse
The Most Beautiful Heart
The North Wind and The Sun
The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree
The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot
The Diamond and the Glow-worm
A Story of the Angel
The Royal Road to Greatness
Spendthrift and Swaalow
The Sapling
The Two Friends
The Swallow and the Other Birds
A heart's -ease
Frog and Bullock
The Harebrained Monkey

The Old, Old Wine
Eagle and Spider
The Kind Fox
Cat and Nightingale
The Donkey and the Sail
The Ass
Two Dogs
The Land of the Halt
Wolf in the Kennels
The Plague of the Beasts
Crow and Fox
The Wallet
The Chicken
The Bag
Why was the Green Caterpillar so Happy?
The Statue
Sharing Up
The Treasure and the Two Men
Eagle and Bee
The Two Donkeys
Two Pigeons
Cuckoo and Wood-pigeon
The Lion in Love
A Train of Carts
The Ostrich in Love
The Squirrel and the Lion
The Bad Kangaroo
A Fish of the World
The Dairy. Woman
Fortune and the Beggar
Mercury and the Woodman
The Shepherd and the Sea
The Boy and the Snake
The Labourer and the Snake
The Thief and His Mother
The Cobbler and the Banker
The Dainty Spinster
Three Brothers and the Beggar
The Cornflower
The Oak and the Reed
The Cracked Pot
The Boy and the Nuts
A Love Story
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
Don't be a Frog in the Well
The Acorn and the Pumpkin
Three Old Men and a Housewife


The Wolf and the Donkey
A Wolf once met a Donkey on the road outside the village.
"I'm going to eat you Up," said the Wolf.
"Certainly," replied the Donkey, thinking fast, "But please don't eat me out here on the road where everyone can see. I shall be so ashamed. Take me into the forest. Don't be afraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle. Then I will lead you to a quiet spot I know."
The Wolf thought this was a good idea so he fastened the rope round his neck and knotted it firmly to the Donkey's bride.
"Now I will go wherever you say," said the Donkey.
"Show me the way to your quiet spot," ordered the Wolf.
"Very well," said the Donkey, setting off down the road towards the village. As they came to the first houses the Wolf began to suspect that he had been tricked.
"This is not the way to the forest," he said, ragging at his end of the rope, "This road goes to the village."
"Don't worry," said the Donkey cheerfully, "This is a short cut."
The Donkey began to trot faster, then to gallop. The rope round the Wolf's neck drew tight; in a very short time he was dragged right up to the donkey's door.
The master, his wife and their three sons all came running out to rescue the Donkey. They were so angry that they would have killed the Wolf there and then. Fortunately for the Wolf, however, one of the sons threw a knife at him. The knife missed, but it cut the rope round his neck. The next moment all the family could see was a cloud of dust in the road as the Wolf fled to safety in the dark forest.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:244

版  次:1版

开  本:16

