 您现在的位置:图书 > 雅思英语听说教程


作  者:编者:袁周敏//张鲁宁|总主编:陈新仁//陈美华

出 版 社:清华大学出版社


定  价:42.00

I S B N :9787302666523



标  签:




《雅思英语听说教程》 是面向雅思英语教学专门打 造的英语听说教材。本教材 基于对历年雅思考试听力与 口语测试题型与题材的细致 深入分析,设计了8个单元 。每单元包括听力专项策略 讲解与训练、对话及学术报 告听力理解练习、口语多任 务练习、中国文化知识介绍 等内容,覆盖雅思考试中听 力与口语测试的难点。本教 材以提高学生英语语言能力 为目标编排听力和口语学习 策略,具有很强的针对性和 实操性,可满足雅思英语听 说课程的教学需要。本教材 适用于所有计划参加雅思考 试的考生,以及其他旨在提 升自身英语听说能力的英语 学习爱好者。


Unit 1 Architecture
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 2 Animals and Plants
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 3 Diseases
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 4 Business Administration
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 5 Information Technology
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 6 Geography
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 7 Social Sciences
Part One Listening Strategies
Part Two Listening
Section A Dialogue
Task 1 Conversation One
Task 2 Conversation Two
Section B Monologue
Task 1 Passage
Task 2 Mini-Lecture
Part Three Speaking
Task 1 Attending Conferences
Task 2 Modern Buildings
Part Four Cultural Tips
Unit 8 Archaeology
Keys to Exercises

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页  数:117

版  次:1

开  本:16开
