 您现在的位置:图书 > 底色•中国人(英)


作  者:朱宪文

出 版 社:外文出版社


定  价:298.00

I S B N :9787119137407

所属分类: 艺术  >  美术  >  摄影  >  作品集/作品赏析     


标  签:






A Word from Zhu Xianmin /8
Preface /10
Chapter 1 Heaven, Earth, Nature
The People Living Between Heaven and Earth /18
Heaven, Earth and All Creatures Are One /24
From Mountains and Waters to Landscapes /30
Image and Meaning of Water /44
Chapter 2 A Land of Diversity /53
Cultural Melting Pot /56
The Temporal Dimension of Identity /60
Hometown and Elsewhere /66
The Dialectics of Identity /72
Words Are Homes /76
Face of the Future /92
Chapter 3 People in Cities /97
Cities as Symbols /100
Beijing and Its People /102
Character and Cityscape /106
The Need to Gather /108
Crowded Cities and the Philosophy of Inter-Human Relations /112
Trading Ground /128
Chapter 4 The Countryside and the Villagers /139
The Reality of Life in the Countryside /142
Fellow Countrymen /146
A Society of Human Relationships /154
Nostalgia /158
Ode to Joy /184
Chapter 5 Home /195
In and Out of the Home /198
Family Bond and Ethics /202
Love and Filial Piety: From a Small Family to a Larger Concept /206
Departure and Return /210
The Hope of a Small Family /220
Chapter 6 The Individual Is the Universe /231
The Value of an Image Narrative /234
The Body Talks /238
From Gods to People /242
Chinese People /246
Gaze at Reality /264
Praise for Zhu Xianmin /282
About the Photographer and the Author /284
Acknowledgement /286

TOP 其它信息

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开  本:16开

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