 您现在的位置:图书 > 21世纪大学理工英语(3)(21世纪大学理工英语教程系列)


作  者:编者:张弓//阎黎明|责编:庄彩云|总主编:沈骑//段成

出 版 社:复旦大学出版社


定  价:69.00

I S B N :9787309161755

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  大学英语    


标  签:




《21世纪大学理工英 语(学生用书3)》力图 定位在通用英语与学术英 语之间,向专门用途英语 过渡,兼顾职业英语的现 实需要。 将满足理工科学生学 业、专业和职业需求,对 接英语学习的工具性和资 源性价值目标,培养批判 性思维、跨文化素养和科 学素养,突出读写训练、 提高综合语言应用能力。 每个单元由3个部分构 成。 部分,以情景化 听力任务为驱动的词汇扩 展练习; 第二部分,以知识小 测验为导入方式的阅读理 解任务; 第三部分,以第二部 分文章相关段落的语言特 点为范本,进行相应写作 练习。


Unit 1 Climate Change
Learning Objectives
PART I Vocabulary & Watching
PART II Reading
TEXTA Global Climate Change: What You Need to Know
TEXT B The False Alert of Global Warming
PART III Grammar & Writing
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Unit 2 Smart City
Learning Objectives
PART I Vocabulary & Watching
PART II Reading
TEXT A Smart Cities: 6 Essential Technologies
TEXT B Key Challenges of Smart Cities & How to Overcome Them
PART III Grammar & Writing
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Unit 3 Population and Society
Learning Objectives
PART I Vocabulary & Watching
PART II Reading
TEXT A Population Decline Is Bad for Us
TEXT B Population and Sustainability: Can We Avoid
Limiting the Number of People
PART III Grammar & Writing
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Unit 4 Information Technology
Learning Objectives
PART I Vocabulary & Watching
PART II Reading
TEXT A 5G and Wi-Fi 6: What's the Difference, and Where Do They Belong on Campus
TEXT B Stronger Cybersecurity Laws for the Internet of Things
PART III Grammar & Writing
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Unit 5 Nature and Resources
Learning Objectives
PART I Vocabulary & Watching
PART II Reading
TEXT A Is It Important to Conserve and Protect Biodiversity
TEXT B Why Are Tigers Endangered
PART III Grammar & Writing
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Unit 6 Learners' Autonomy
Learning Objectives
PART I Vocabulary & Watching
PART II Reading

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:161

版  次:1

开  本:16开
