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System Theory and Artificial System Design(系统理论与人工系统设计学)

System Theory and Artificial System Design(系统理论与人工系统设计学)

作  者:王越//贾丽娟|责编:徐宁

出 版 社:北京理工大学出版社


定  价:89.00

I S B N :9787576323870

所属分类: 专业科技  >  科学理论与研究    


标  签:




人工系统设计学是一门 正处于不断发展中,用于研 发设计人工系统的系统性科 学。本书中内容侧重于信息 领域人工系统设计,是作者 以多年信息领域研究工作的 经验积累进行总结所著。本 书的思想脉络就是针对系统 理论与人工系统设计学面临 的问题,将顶层的系统哲学 和系统理论,通过所提出的 理论方法落实到具体的应用 层次。 本书针对系统理论与人 工系统设计学面临的问题, 根据信息及信息系统领域的 人工系统设计问题,在现有 系统理论的发展基础上,系 统地论述了人工系统设计的 理论、方法与实践,并简要 介绍了一些认识化解矛盾的 辩证思维方式方法,为相关 学者进行研究提供了相应的 思想和方法。


Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 The Inevitable Trend of the Development of System Theory
1.1.2 Artificial System Design
1.2 Relationship Between System Theory and Philosophy as well as Other Relevant Disciplines
1.2.1 Philosophy
1.2.2 Relationship Between Philosophy and Natural Sciences
1.2.3 Relationship Between System Theory and Philosophy
1.2.4 Relationship Between System Theory and OtherDisciplines (Natural Sciences)
Chapter 2 Basics of System Theory
2.1 Definition of System and Explanations of Its Key Points
2.1.1 Definition of System
2.1.2 Explanations of Its Key Points
2.2 Categories of the Unity of Opposites Often Concerned with theApplication of System Theory
2.2.1 Relativity and Absoluteness
2.2.2 Similarity (Resemblance) and Difference (the Comparison Between the Characteristics of Things)
2.2.3 Certainty and Contingency (the Representation of the Compliance of the Motion of Things with Laws Mastered by Mankind)
2.2.4 Purposefulness and Natural Determinism (the Representation of the Compatibility of Man's Intentions with Objective Lawsand Conditions)
2.2.5 Whole and Parts (the Relationship Between Holistic and Partial Existence in Things)
2.2.6 Complexity and Simplicity (General Characteristics of Mankind's Knowledge and Assessment of the Motion and Existence of Things)
2.2.7 Qualitative and Quantitative Changes (Representing a Pair of the Most Basic Motion Characteristics im the Motion of Things)
2.2.8 Continuous and Discontinuous (the Representatiom of the Continuation of the Changes, the Adjacency of Cetain Important Characteristics in the Motion of Things in Temporaland Spatial Order)
2.3 Unavoidable Brief Discussions on "Beauty"
2.3.1 The Essence of Men and Beauty
2.3.2 The Categorization of Beauty
2.3.3 Scientific Beauty
2.3.4 Technical Beauty
2.3.5 Engineering Beauty
2.3.6 Scientific and Engineering Beauty in the Fields of System
2.4 Axioms of System
2.4.1 Top Axioms of System Theory ("Shared" with Materialist Dialectics)
2.4.2 Temporary System of Axioms of System Theory
2.5 The Expanded Model of Multilayered Temporal and Spatial Domains of Systematic Motion
2.5.1 A Basic Theoretical Framework Behind the Establishment of This Model is Composed of the Following Core Elements
2.5.2 Multilayered Multi-periodical Expansion Model of SystemBased on Relations (Represented Separately in Terms of Space and Time)
2.6 Relations
2.6.1 Mathematic Definitions
2.6.2 Connotations of Relation in System Theory
2.6.3 Some Important Relations Concerned with in System Theory
2.6.4 The Classification of "Relations" from the Perspectiveof the Connotations and Denotations of "the Concept of Relation
2.6.5 Relations of the Objects Sustained by "Relations"(Set Objects as XYZ)
2.6.6 Spatial and Temporal Expansion of Relations
Chapter 3 The Current Development of System Theory
Chapter 4 Information and Information Systems
Chapter 5 Basics of System Knowledge, Representation and Description
Chapter 6 Development and Categorization of Artificial System Design and the Philosophy of Artificial System Design
Chapter 7 Major Points in the Design, Thinking, Methods and Process of Artificial Systems

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装  帧:平装

页  数:209

版  次:1

开  本:16开
