 您现在的位置:图书 > 信息与计算科学专业英语


作  者:张剑

出 版 社:电子工业出版社


定  价:56.00

I S B N :9787121426117

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:








Part I Computer and Applications
Chapter 1 Computer and Computer Composition 2
§1 Introduction to Computer 2
§2 Computer Operating System 8
§3 Computer Software (Ⅰ) 14
§4 Computer Software (Ⅱ) 20
Chapter 2 Computer and Connection 25
§1 Computer Virus 25
§2 Network 31
§3 Internet 37
§4 Computer Security 43
Chapter 3 Computer Application 51
§1 E-Commerce 51
§2 Data Communication 58
§3 Artificial Intelligence 62
§4 Software Engineering 67
Chapter 4 Computer Development 74
§1 Development of Computer 74
§2 The Information Society 78
§3 Big Data 81
§4 5G 86
Chapter 5 Communicating with Social Media 91
§1 Blog 91
§2 Wechat 96
§3 QQ 101
Part II Mathematics and Applications
Chapter 6 Elementary Mathematics 108
§1 Mathematics and Language of Mathematics 108
§2 Equations and the Use of Equations 113
§3 Imaginaries and Complex Numbers 117
§4 Radicals 123
§5 Logarithms and Exponent 127
Chapter 7 Geometry 131
§1 Geometry of Plane 131
§2 Plane analytic Geometry 139
§3 Conic Sections 145
Chapter 8 The Development of the Number System 151
§1 The Development of the Number System (Ⅰ) 151
§2 The Development of the Number System(Ⅱ) 159
§3 The Development of the Number System (Ⅲ) 163
Chapter 9 Differential and Integral Calculus 171
§1 Functions 171
§2 Limits 177
§3 Derivatives 182
§4 Integral Calculus 188
§5 Differential Equation 194
Chapter 10 Applied Mathematics 201
§1 Probability Theory 201
§2 Statistics 207
§3 Data Analysis 213
§4 Mathematical Logic 218
Appendix A Computer Professional English Vocabulary 224
Appendix B Mathematics Professional English Vocabulary 238
Appendix C Optimal Method Professional Vocabulary 250
Appendix D Sample Professional Vocabulary 255
Appendix E Numerical Solution of the Partial Differential Equations
Professional Vocabulary 258
Reference 261

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