 您现在的位置:图书 > 国际SCI医学期刊论文写作与发表(英文版)


作  者:蔡基刚

出 版 社:上海交通大学出版社


定  价:59.80

I S B N :9787313255105

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教育学  >  教育研究    

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CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Writing a Research Article
 1.1  Characteristics of MRAs
 1.2  Deciding on a topic and a problem to be addressed
 1.3  Using databases for references
 1.4  The macro—structure of medical articles
 1.5  Reading titles for prediction
 1.6  Reading abstracts for main ideas
 1.7  Reading the key sentences in the Introduction and Discussion sections
 1.8  Writing a proposaI
CHAPTER 2 The Introduction Section
 2.1  The elements of an Introduction section
 2.2  Writing the initial sentences to claim centralitv
 2.3  Literature reviews
 2.4  Indicating the gap to be filled
 2.5  Expressing the objective/purpose
 2.6  Postulating a hypothesis
 2.7  Introducing the methods and structure of the article
 2.8  Tenses used in the Introduction
 2.9  Signal words and cohesive devices
 2.10  Fixed expressions for centrality,gaps and purposes
 2.11  Re—using language in the Introduction
CHAPTER 3 In.text Citation
 3.1  Citation function
 3.2  Citation types
 3.3  Citation methods
 3.4  Citation and synthesizing the sources
 3.5  Citations and reporting verbs
 3.6  Verb tenses in citation
 3.7  Citation and attitude markers
CHAPTER 4 The Methods Section
 4.1  The format of a Methods section
 4.2  The moves of the Methods section
 4.3  Study design
 4.4  Data and samples
 4.5  Procedures
 4.6  Study outcomes and measures
 4.7  Research variables
 4.8  Statistical analysis
 4.9  Signal words for the method purposes
 4.1  0  Citations in the Methods section
 4.11  Active or Passive verbs
 4.12  Self—mention
 4.13  Tenses in the Methods section
CHAPTER 5 The Results Section
 5.1  The significance of the Results sections
 5.2  The choice of the data to report
 5.3  The content of a Results section
 5.4  Reporting the results of data collection
 5.5  Locating tables and figures
 5.6  Stating general findings
 5.7  Providing specific evidence
 5.8  Evaluating and interpreting the data
 5.9  The organization of the results
 5.10  Graphical representations
 5.11  Choosing tables and figures
 5.12  Writing table/figure titles and figure legends
 5.13  Verb tenses
 5.14  Attitude markers
 5.15  Fixed expressions used in the Results section
CHAPTER 6 The Discussion Section
 6.1  Writing a Discussion section
 6.2  The moves of a Discussion section
 6.3  The role of comparison in the Discussion section
 6.4  Explanation and interpretation
 6.5  Limitations and further research
 6.6  Implications
 6.7  Conclusion
 6.8  Citations in the Discussion section
 6.9  Hedges and boosters
 6.10  Attitude statements
 6.11  Verb tenses in the Discussion section
 6.12  Fixed expressions used in the Discussion and Conclusion
CHAPTER 7 Critical Thinking and Conclusion
 7.1  Critical thinking
 7.2  Conclusion,claims and arguments
 7.3  Conclusions and relevance
 7.4  Primary and secondary evidence
 7.5  Statistical evidence and sufficiency
 7.6  Personal experience and observations
 1.7  Secondary evidence f
 7.8  Logic reasoning
 7.9  Explanations
CHAPTER 8 The Abstracts and Titles
 8.1  Abstracts
 8.2  Verb tenses and self.mention in the Abstract
 8.3  Fixed expression used in the Abstract
 8.4  Research in Context
 8.5  Titles
 8.6  Keywords
 8.7  Contributors,Acknowledgements and others
 8.8  Referencing styles and systems
 8.9  Footnotes,endnotes and supplementary information
CHAPTER 9 Language and Style
 9.1  Style of scientific writing
 9.2  The use of nominalization
 9.3  Noun clusters
 9.4  There+be and it+be+Ved that
 9.5  Passive constructions
 9.6  Subordinate structure
 9.7  Modifier phrases l
 9.8  Lexical sophistication and variation
 9.9  Sentence variation
 9.10  Paragraphs
 9.11  Using corpus analysis
 9.12  Selfconstructed corpora
CHAPTER 10 PubIication Process
 10.1  Getting the paper published
 10.2  Understanding


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