 您现在的位置:图书 > 【经典英语学习书】每天读点英文小故事(英汉对照+单词注释+语法解析+名言警句)


作  者:金文乐

出 版 社:新疆生产建设兵团出版社


定  价:29.80

I S B N :9787557415747

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  生活实用英语    


标  签:






第一章 成功的奥秘
Lesson 1 Spare no Efforts in Doing Things
Lesson 2 The Biggest Secret of Success
Lesson 3 Two Oaks
Lesson 4 Honesty is the Best Policy
Lesson 5 Journey
Lesson 6 Never Give Up Hope
Lesson 7 Working On with Faith
Lesson 8 Remember to Say “Thank You!”
Lesson 9 Never Stop to Grow Up
Lesson 10 Don't Give in to Hard Times!
Lesson 11 The Meanings and Secrets of Success
Lesson 12 I Want, I Do, I Get
Lesson 13 Failure Doesn't Mean
Lesson 14 Real Courage
Lesson 15 Catching the Star in Your Life
Lesson 16 It Takes Strength
Lesson 17 Let Love Grow in the Heart
Lesson 18 The Eagle in a Storm
Lesson 19 You Are Really Blessed
Lesson 20 The Ford Determination

第二章 感悟生活的真谛
Lesson 21 Write Your Own Life
Lesson 22 Nice Surprises
Lesson 23 The Joy of Living
Lesson 24 The Hidden Gold
Lesson 25 In This Life, What Did You Miss?
Lesson 26 A Beautiful Dress
Lesson 27 Living a Life of Love
Lesson 28 Thanks for Everything
Lesson 29 Try to Remember the Good Things
Lesson 30 Admitting Guilt
Lesson 31 Love What You Do, Do What You Love
Lesson 32 Life Is Full of Surprises
Lesson 33 When the Wind Blows
Lesson 34 Where the Time is?
Lesson 35 Following a Dream
Lesson 36 The Hardest Lesson Was to Believe In Myself

第三章 爱是天底下最好的礼物
Lesson 37 Love Is Just a Thread
Lesson 38 The More Loving One
Lesson 39 The Christmas Present
Lesson 40 You Are You
Lesson 41 Do Not Wait
Lesson 42 Be Thankful
Lesson 43 Sand and Stone
Lesson 44 A Father's Love
第四章 发现生活的希望与美


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页  数:200

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