 您现在的位置:图书 > 国际SCI期刊论文写作与发表(英文版)


作  者:蔡基刚

出 版 社:复旦大学出版社


定  价:42.00

I S B N :9787309151169

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  行业英语    


标  签:






Unit One Preparing for Writing Research Articles
1.1 Being familiar with the characteristics of RAs
1.2 Deciding on a topic
1.3 Formulating a problem/hypothesis
1.4 Using databases for references
1.5 Writing a proposal
1.6 Knowing the macro-structure of RAs
1.7 Reading titles for prediction
1.8 Reading abstracts for main ideas
1.9 Reading the key sentences in the Introduction and Discussion sections
1.10 Suggested readings

Unit Two Writing an Introduction Section
2.1 The moves of an Introduction section
2.2 Writing the initial sentences to claim centrality
2.3 Indicating the gap to be filled
2.4 Expressing the objective/purpose
2.5 Postulating a hypothesis
2.6 Introducing the methods and structure of the article
2.7 Tenses used in the Introduction
2.8 Signal words and cohesive devices
2.9 Fixed expressions for centrality, gaps and purposes
2.10 Re-use language in the Introduction
2.11 Suggested readings

Unit Three Writing a Literature Review
3.1 The elements of a Literature Review
3.2 The order of past studies
3.3 The content to review
3.4 Critical reading of the past studies
3.5 Synthesizing the sources
3.6 Citation function
3.7 Citation types
3.8 Citation methods
3.9 Verbs used to report past studies
3.10 Verb tenses in citation
3.11 Attitude markers
3.12 Re-use language in the Literature Review
3.13 Suggested readings

Unit Four Writing a Methods Section
4.1 The format of a Methods section
4.2 The elements of a Methods section
4.3 Study design
4.4 Describing the data and samples
4.5 Describing the materials
4.6 Describing the procedures
4.7 Research variables
4.8 Data analysis
4.9 Signal words for the purposes
4.10 Citations used in the Methods section
4.11 Active or passive verbs
4.12 Self-mention
4.13 Tenses in the Methods section
4.14 Suggested readings

Unit Five Writing a Results Section
Unit Six Writing a Discussion Section
Unit Seven Writing an Abstract and a Title
Unit Eight Language and Style
Unit Nine Preparing a Manuscript for Publication
Unit Ten Reading Research Articles for Analysis



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装  帧:平装

页  数:216

印  次:1

版  次:1

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸

