 您现在的位置:图书 > 好用的中小学英语教学游戏


作  者:王小庆,等

出 版 社:上海教育出版社


定  价:58.00

I S B N :9787572004049

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教育学  >  教育研究    

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阿密娜·杜申诺娃(Amina Dyussenova),浙江大学国际关系专业研究生。曾在4个国家生活过,有超过15年的教学经验,在中国授课11年。研究方向包括语言、教育等。





破冰游戏(Icebreakers and Warm ups)

1 One Minute Interview 一见如故

2 5×5 Word Game 二十五宫格填字游戏 

3 Active Names 动感姓名

4 Alphabet Hunt 字母搜索 

5 Alphabet Soup 字母花片汤

6 Angry Eating 心有灵犀

7 Animal Nicknames 绰号游戏

8 Balloon Game 击鼓传话

9 Blind Questions 猜词游戏

10 Blind Robot 机器盲人

11 Body Parts Musical Madness 快速搭档

12 Bomb 当心“炸弹”

13 Brainstorm Rummy 头脑风暴

14 Bring Me 带上我

15 Buzz 闹哄哄

16 Call My Bluff 吹牛大比拼

17 Can’t Stop 勇攀高峰

18 Celebrity Heads 名人头像

19 Change Identity Game 角色互换 


21 Crystal Ball Prediction 水晶球预测

22 Draw Your Name 画名字

23 Extension to Word List 单词伸缩游戏

24 Fictional Language 英语变变变

25 Fortune Cookies 幸运甜饼

26 Get off My Back 甩包袱

27 Hip Hop 嘻哈

28 Hot Seat 坐电椅

29 How’s Yours? 你的怎么样?

30 Human Knot 手结

31 Intonational Simon Says 语调游戏 



 1.One Minute Interview 一见如故

Equipment: none

Group: 4+ participants

Duration: 10—20 minutes

Group is divided into pairs (preferably pairs are people who do not know each other well). Pairs are given 5 minutes together to talk about themselves. (Teacher may assign topics such as“proudest achievement” “favorite holiday”or“family life”.) After the 5 minutes is over, the students form one big circle and each pair has a couple of minutes to relate to the group what they learned about each other. This activity is great as shyer students may find it easier to talk one on one and then tell the group about their partner, rather than speak out publicly about themselves.

在该游戏中,学生除了要介绍自己之外,还要介绍朋友。这意味着在游 戏过程中,学生不仅要学会表达,还要学会倾听。这样的游戏对增进学生间的了解十分有效。从心理学的角度来看,它可以使学生通过语言来消除戒心,表现自己。其中,教师对谈话主题的限定很重要,好的主题可以避免大家无话可说的情况


                   3.Active Names 动感姓名

Equipment: none

Group: 4+ participants

Duration: 3—5 minutes

Group stands in a circle and one person begins by coming into the center and saying his/her name with each syllable accompanied by an action. For example, Marianne comes into the middle and says Marianne accompanied with a clap, jump and click of the fingers.The group in unison repeats the name and action with Marianne a couple of times. She then returns to the circle and the next person continues with his/her name and action.



7.Animal Nicknames 绰号游戏

Equipment: some sheets of paper with students’names, board, markers

Group: 10+ participants

Duration: 8—10 minutes

Before class make up some sheets of paper with all of the students’ names on them with a blank line next to each name. Include your own name also. Hand these out to the students in class. Then tell them to look carefully at each of the other students. Tell them that their job is to think of what kind of animal that each of the other students resembles and why. Make sure to tell the students to be very specific in their types of animals. Don’t let them get away with bird or dog. It is good to have an English dictionary on hand for this game.After you have given them an opportunity to fill in the blanks, write each person’s name on the board. Then ask each member of the class for what they thought about this specific person. Eventually, you will have a list for each student. Then the class vote on the name they like best for that student.

Try to draw out of them what characteristics made them choose certain animals.

该游戏要求学生用动物名为同学取绰号。在组织该游戏时,教师要注意以下两点:①由于该游戏包括取绰号及说明理由两部分内容,故活动可延伸到课外,以便给学生充足的准备时间。教师可为学生提供一些常见的句型,例如:His nickname can be , because he looks like…/because sometimes he acts like…,等等。②由于中西方文化对动物的联想意义差别很大,故在进行该游戏时,教师要充分考虑到汉语文化中关于动物的刻板印象。例如,学生给同学取绰号为 dog 可能会引起反感,这时教师要及时补充相关的文化知识,避免不必要的由文化差异引起的不快,同时拓展学生的文化视野。教师在组织该游戏前可查阅有关动物联想的文化知识。


25.Fortune Cookies 幸运甜饼

Equipment: pieces of paper, pens, a box

Group: 10+ participants

Duration: 4—6 minutes

Take a few small pieces of paper and write on them short simple messages like “You will go to the cinema.”“You will meet a famous person.”“You will get three CDs for your birthday.”Fold them so that the messages remain secret. Put all the scraps of paper in a box, shake them well and pass the box around for the students to take one and read it out and aloud. Make sure that they say“O-E, O-E, what will my fortune be?” first! Provided you choose your messages wisely,you will provide

the class with some interesting conversation topics and will find out a lot about your students and their interests (favorite films, heroes, music, etc.) which should help you to plan the course ahead accordingly!

这个以“幸运甜饼”命名的游戏,隐含着参与游戏的人对未来的期望。在该游戏中,话题(message)的内容设计是关键,故在游戏开始前,教师可通过课堂内的语言活动(如对话)探知学生的兴趣,并把话题设计成“You will…”句型,这样可以使学生拿到纸条时有意外的惊喜。要注意的是,每位学生在打开纸条前,都要自言自语一句“O-E, O-E, what will my fortune be?”,这让学生在不知不觉中练习了将来时态的用法。

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