 您现在的位置:图书 > 高中英语阅读理解与完形填空:新课标拓展阅读周周练(高考)


作  者:陈俊,程国清,王雪峰 主编

出 版 社:华东理工大学出版社


定  价:39.80

I S B N :9787562860884

所属分类: 教育学习  >  中小学用书  >  按学年段分  >  高考  教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:






Week 1 人与自我——生活与学习
Day 1 A Nap at Noon
Day 2 Control Salt Intake
Day 3 Skills foNotetaking
Day 4 Seek for New Pleasure
Day 5 An Episode During Miami Vacation
Fun Weekend Peer Pressure

Week 2 人与社会——社会服务与人际沟通
Day 1 A 9year—old GirlS Shelters
Day 2 ORBIS Charity
Day 3 Developing Real Friendships
Day 4 Warm Gloves
Day 5 Learn Sign Language Together
Fun Weekend A 90一year—old Volunteer

Week 3 人与自然——灾害防范
Day 1 A FamiIy Fire Escape Plan
Day 2 Tracing the Ocean Floating Garbage
Day 3 How to Prevent Disasters
Day 4 Protecting the Oceans
Day 5 Protect Yourself frOm Earthquakes
Fun Weekend A Common Cold and Flu

Week 4 人与自我——做人与做事
Day 1 Face Failure Bravely
Day 2 Three Attitudes Towards Life
Day 3 Make Proper Choices
Day 4 Experiences of Disabled PeopleS Life
Day 5 Refuse to Waste
Fun Weekend Red Adair and His Dreams

Week 5 人与社会——社会服务与人际沟通
Day 1 Mutual Support Among Friends
Day 2 Facial Expressions
Day 3 A Volunteering Vacation
Day 4 ThereS Still Kindness in This World
Day 5 A Close Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Relative
Fun Weekend A Special Christmas

Week 6 人与自我——生活与学习
Day 1 Pure Love on the Wall
Day 2 Social Life Experience on School Days
Day 3 Avoiding Being Interrupted
Day 4 Misunderstanding During the Appointment
Day 5 BritainS Oldest Full—time Employee
Fun Weekend Domestic Instructions of Healthy Hearts

Week 7 人与自然——宇宙探索
Day 1 Colors and Moods
Day 2 Hormone Oxytocin
Day 3 Secrets of Finger Prints
Day 4 HumanS Aging
Day 5 Birth of the Earth
Fun Weekend BirdsHalfbrain Sleep

Week 8 人与自我——生活与学习
Day 1 StudentsActivity Experience on Vacation
Day 2 Mountaineering
Day 3 Working out in the Morning
Day 4 Passion for American Sign Language
Day 5 Change Your Inner Beliefs Before Changing Your Habits
Fun Weekend Attitude Is Everything

Week 9 人与自然——环境保护
Day 1 CIimate Change
Day 2 New Digital Devices Cut Energy Consumption
Day 3 Protect Wildlife
Day 4 The Amazon Forest
Day 5 African Bongos
Fun Weekend Kids and Ponds

Week 10 人与自我——生活与学习
Day 1 Growing up While Reading
Day 2 The Love Between My Grandparents
Day 3 How to Study Effectively
Day 4 Influences frOm My Father
Day 5 Co—housing Communities
Fun Weekend Happy Vacations

Week 11 人与社会——历史、社会与文化
Day 1 Cultural Differences Abroad
Day 2 Guidebook of Pacific Science Center
Day 3 The Origin of Chocolate
Day 4 Impression of Dusseldorf
Day 5 Primitive Underground Railway in London
Fun Weekend Advantages and Disadvantages of Open Education

Week 12 人与自然——环境保护
Day 1 Edinburgh and Its Waste
Day 2 Cure a Young Owl
Day 3 Plogging
Day 4 Wolves and the WolvesWorld
Day 5 Saving the Frogs
Fun Weekend Protect Wild Animals

Week 13 人与自我——做人与做事
Day 1 Dont Judge People by Their Appearance
Day 2 Help an Injured Coworker
Day 3 To Forgive Is a Virtue
Day 4 Be Thankful for Hardships in Life
Day 5 Obey Traffic Lights in Life
Fun Weekend Accomplish Goals

Week 14 人与社会——历史、社会与文化
Day 1 Times of ChinaS High—speed Railway System
Day 2 Somali Pirates
Day 3 ChildrenS Qualities in the Future
Day 4 Learn to Forgive
Day 5 PeopleS Ideas About a Hero
Fun Weekend New Era of Robots

Week 15 人与自然——环境保护
Day 1 Bird Extinction
Day 2 Environmental Protection and Emission Reduction
Day 3 Microfibers Polluting Rivers and Oceans
Day 4 Clear up Trash in Parks
Day 5 Clean up the OceansRubbish
Fun Weekend The Choice of Bags

Week 16 人与自我——生活与学习
Day 1 Enjoy Fruits in July
Day 2 Go Back to the Daily Life in 1900
Day 3 Look Carefully at Your Sources of Healthy Information
Day 4 A Happy Blind Girl Who Sells Magazines
Day 5 Food with Lower Fat and Less Salt
Fun Weekend Noises and ChildrenS Hearing

Week 17 人与社会——文学、艺术与体育
Day 1 Famous Artists
Day 2 The Sci—fi The Three—body Problem
Day 3 Muzak
Day 4 The Dream of Winning the World Champion
Day 5 The Guangji Bridge in Chaozhou
Fun Weekend Dont Judge a Man by His Appearance

Week 18 人与社会——历史、社会与文化
Day 1 Different Ways of Showing Directions
Day 2 The Restorative Effects of Natural Environment
Day 3 Browsing Safely
Day 4 The American Dream
Day 5 Be Confident About the Society
Fun Weekend Public Traftic Problem

Week 19 人与社会——历史、社会与文化
Day 1 HumanS Instinct of Language
Day 2 Escape the Noisy City Life
Day 3 Protect Your Eyesight
Day 4 Body Language
Day 5 Problems Caused by Tourism
Fun Weekend Auctions

Week 20 人与自然——宇宙探索
Day 1 Self—protection of Plants
Day 2 Cooperation and Support Among Trees
Day 3 Your Sleeping Positions Reflect Your Personalities
Day 4 The Mystery of Life on Mars
Day 5 Change一4 Spacecraft Lands on the Side of the Moon
Fun Weekend The“Sixth Sense”of Direction




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