 您现在的位置:图书 > 计算机专业英语(第2版)


作  者:高凯,张永强

出 版 社:清华大学出版社


定  价:44.90

I S B N :9787302400370

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材  专业科技  >  计算机/网络  >  计算机教材与考试认证    

标  签:






Chapter 1 Programming and Mobile Development Platform
Section 1 C# and the .NET Framework
Section 2 Java Overview
Section 3 Android Platform
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 2 Introduction on Distributed System
Section 1 Definition of a Distributed System
Section 2 Distributed System Goal I: Making Resources Accessible
Section 3 Distributed System Goal II: Making Distribution Transparency
Section 4 Distributed System Goal III: Openness
Section 5 Distributed System Goal IV: Scalability
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 3 Web Search
Section 1 Background and History
Section 2 Web Characteristics
Section 3 Advertising as the Economic Model
Section 4 The Search User Experimence
Section 5 Intellectualized Techniques in Search Engine
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 4 Introduction on Information Retrieval Tools
Section 1 Evolution of Information Organization and Access
Section 2 Understanding Lucene
Section 3 Indexing and searching
Section 4 Nutch——Case study Based on Lucene
Section 5 Introduction on Elasticsearch
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 5 Introduction on Artificial Intelligence
Section 1 What is AI?
Section 2 The History of Artificial Intelligence (Part 1)
Section 3 The History of Artificial Intelligence (Part II)
Section 4 The State of the Art
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 6 Green Computing
Section 1 Approaches to Green Computing
Section 2 Future of Green Computing
Section 3 Ways of implementation
Section 4 Green IT: The next burning issue for business
Section 5 Conclusion
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 7 Cloud Computing
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Why Cloud Computing?
Section 3 Benefits of Cloud Computing
Section 4 Cloud Computing Drawbacks
Section 5 Cloud Computing Technologies
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 8 Wireless Sensor Networks
Section 1 Sensor Network Applications
Section 2 Embedded Network Technology
Section 3 Systems Challenge
Section 4 Self-Organized Networks
Section 5 Conserving Power and Bandwidth
Section 6 Privacy and Conclusion
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 9 The Internet of Things
Section 1 What is the Internet of Things?
Section 2 Technologies for the Internet of Things
Section 3 Market Opportunities
Section 4 Challenges and Concerns
Section 5 Implications for the Developing World
Section 6 2020: A Day in the Life
Section 7 A New Ecosystem
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 10 Virtualization
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Common Terminology
Section 3 Companies Using Virtualization
Section 4 Why Virtualized Technology?
Section 5 Benefits of Virtualization
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 11 Unified Communications
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Enter Unified Communications
Section 3 The Real-Time Communications Dashboard
Section 4 Communications Enabled Business Process
Section 5 Enterprise Business Case for Unified Communications
Section 6 Just In Time Fetch The Expert
Section 7 Challenges and Conclusion
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 12 Next Generation Network Services
Section 1 NGN Value Proposition for Service Providers
Section 2 Next Generation Services
Section 3 Next Generation Service Architecture
Section 4 Conclusions
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 13 Introduction on the ACM Turing Award
Section 1 About Turing
Section 2 About ACM
Section 3 Turing Award and Some Award Scientists
Section 4 Turing Award Recipients and Citations
Background Knowledge
Thinking and Exercising
Some Translations

Chapter 14 IT Careers Planning
Section 1 Personal Growth
Section 2 \


TOP 其它信息

页  数:291

开  本:16开

