 您现在的位置:图书 > 新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读(4新题型版数字教材版十三五普通高等教育核心规划教材)


作  者:隋晓冰,王丽波,赵小雯,张绍杰,魏承杰

出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社


定  价:29.00

I S B N :9787300258768

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:




  《新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读4(新题型版 数字教材版)》是第四册,其特点如下:
  三,题型前瞻。既有与目前四级考试题型完全匹配的题型Reading A、Reading B和Reading C,又设计了具有前瞻I生意义的新题型Reading D。Reading D是雅思考试题型,主要考查学生的高度概括能力及分辨能力,是英语阅读的核心目标之一。
  四,难易度适宜。篇章长度:每篇文章控制在1000词左右;词汇难度:按照大学英语四级词汇(4794)的要求,从较高词汇、更高词汇、超纲词汇三个维度进行把控;易读度:按照《大学英语教学指南》基础阶段的要求,采用Flesch Reading Ease易读度标准,对每篇文章的易读度进行科学控制。
  五,进阶式快速阅读。《新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读4(新题型版 数字教材版)》的编写体例按照进阶式快速阅读模式,先易后难,循序渐进,以帮助学生快速提高阅读水平。
  六,适用于教师指导下的阅读和自主阅读。《新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读4(新题型版 数字教材版)》可以在教师指导下由学生完成阅读任务;也可以经过教师指导后,由学生自主完成阅读任务。


Unit One Family Life
Reading A My Daughter Felt Forgotten: Parents on Working Late
Reading B It Took Me 20 Years to Talk About My Childhood
Reading C Does Your Husband Need Encouragement?
Reading D East vs. West: When Parenting Styles Clash

Unit Two Powerful Words
Reading A Words Create Worlds: Some Thoughts on the Power of Words
Reading B Powerful WORDS to Positively Change Your Life
Reading C Why Words are More Powerful than Swords
Reading D Powerful Words Can Change Your Life

Unit Three Famous Figures
Reading A Jobs and Apple
Reading B Michael Jordan Isn’t Sitting out Any More, Says Protesting Athletes Shouldn’t Be Demonized
Reading C The World Master of Investment — Warren Buffett
Reading D Pablo Picasso

Unit Four Aerospace Age
Reading A Why Some Pilots Are Bad Risk Managers
Reading B Sky Kings: Flying the Aircraft You’re In
Reading C AHarvest of New Moons
Reading D Pilotless Aircraft

Unit Five Of Language
Reading A Is English Changing
Reading B The Future of Language
Reading C British English vs. American English
Reading D Does the Language I Speak Influence the Way I Think?

Unit Six Key to Success
Reading A How to Be a Successful College Student
Reading B Steve Jobs’ 10 Principles to Success That Everyone Needs to Learn
Reading C The “Chosen Ones” Choose Themselves
Reading D Six Positive Mindsets That Give Your Dream its Best Chance to Soar

Unit Seven Career Building
Reading A 10 Things College Seniors Can Do This Summer to Help Their Future Job Search
Reading B The 10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your Career Rather Than a Relationship
Reading C The Scientifically Proven Way to Overcome Your Career Fears
Reading D Long-time Local Lawyers Discuss Their Careers

Unit Eight The Origin of Life
Reading A A Soviet Scientist Created the Only Tame Foxes in the World
Reading B Listening to Creationists Can Strengthen Our Understanding of Evolution
Reading C Searching for the Origins of Life Thousands of Feet Underwater
Reading D Do Aliens Exist?

Table 1 Reading Speed Progress Chart
Table 2 Reading Comprehension Progress Chart
Table 3 Reading Efficiency Progress Chart


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:133

印  次:1

版  次:1

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸

