 您现在的位置:图书 > 新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读(2新题型版数字教材版十三五普通高等教育核心规划教材)


作  者:胡艳玲,杨翠艳,张绍杰,魏承杰

出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社

丛 书:“十三五”普通高等教育核心规划教材


定  价:29.00

I S B N :9787300257631

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:





Unit One Human and Nature
Reading A Into the Woods on Mother’s Day
Reading B Going Green to Benefit Our Wonderful Earth
Reading C Trees and Your Environment
Reading D Why Kids Need Nature

Unit Two Around the Globe
Reading A Public Houses — British Life and Culture
Reading B How to Plan a Traditional Chinese Wedding
Reading C My Impression of Japan
Reading D French Dining Etiquette

Unit Three Charity
Reading A The Spirit of Giving and Charity in Ancient China
Reading B Knowing More about Charity Is not Always Better
Reading C Why They Are Generous
Reading D How Truly Generous People Give More Than Money

Unit Four Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Reading A Jack Ma — The Inspirational Story of Alibaba Founder
Reading B Go with Passion
Reading C Five Entrepreneurs Inspiring Today’s College Students
Reading D Innovators and Troublemakers

Unit Five Strategies on the Global Counterterrorism
Reading A My Survicival from a Terrorist Kidnapping
Reading B The Story of Flight 93
Reading C Why Are Global Leaders Waiting for Their Cyber 9/11?
Reading D How Artificial Intelligence May Be the Answer to the Terror Problem

Unit Six The Literary World
Reading A Harry Potter Is Much More Than Your Typical Children’s Book
Reading B Maurice Sendak: His Imagination Redefined Children’s Literature
Reading C Sharing Stories
Reading D Pearl S. Buck’s Biography

Unit Seven The World in the Future
Reading A Cash Is Falling out of Fashion — Will It Disappear Forever?
Reading B The Future Home: Everything’s a Screen
Reading C This Is What Air Travel Will Actually Look Like in 100 Years
Reading D Welcome to 2030. Life Has Never Been Better.

Unit Eight The Age of Big Data
Reading A I Love This Cutting-Edge School Design
Reading B Addicted to Facebook
Reading C You Asked: Am I Addicted to My Phone?
Reading D 7 Ways to Keep Information Safe on the Internet

Table 1 Reading Speed Progress Chart
Table 2 Reading Comprehension Progress Chart
Table 3 Reading Efficiency Progress Chart


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:129

印  次:1

版  次:1

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸

