 您现在的位置:图书 > 新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读(1新题型版数字教材版十三五普通高等教育核心规划教材)


作  者:刘白玉,刘夏青,董传杰,张绍杰,魏承杰

出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社

丛 书:“十三五”普通高等教育核心规划教材


定  价:29.00

I S B N :9787300257648

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

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  《新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读》共分四册,《新时代主题大学英语进阶快速阅读(1 新题型版 数字教材版)/“十三五”普通高等教育核心规划教材》是第一册。其特点如下:
  三,题型前瞻。既有与目前四级考试题型完全匹配的题型Reading A、Reading B和Reading C,又设计了具有前瞻性意义的新题型Reading D。Reading D是雅思考试的题型,主要考查学生的高度概括能力及分辨能力,这是英语阅读的核心目标之一。
  四,难易度适宜。篇章长度:每篇文章控制在800词左右;词汇难度:按照大学英语四级词汇(4794)的要求,从较高词汇、更高词汇、超纲词汇三个维度进行把控;易读度:按照《大学英语教学指南》基础阶段的要求,采用Flesch Reading Ease易读度标准,对每篇文章的易读度进行科学控制。



Unit One Learning Language Can Be Fun
Reading A How Different Languages Came Up with Words for Colors
Reading B More Americans See Benefits of Learning Chinese
Reading C Language Learning: The Importance of Making It Fun
Reading D Mandarin Learning to Help Kentucky Brothers a Lot in Their Future Careers

Unit Two Education
Reading A Study: Reading Isn’t Dead for College Students
Reading B Students’ Goals After College Graduation
Reading C What Is School For?
Reading D Effective Praise: Give the Right Compliments to Students

Unit Three Trust Is the Glue that Holds All Relationships Together
Reading A Trusting Life
Reading B Building Trust in Relationships
Reading C Lack of Trust Is Killing the Economy
Reading D Trust Is a Must: Why Trust Is Important in a Relationship

Unit Four Fashion
Reading A Michelle Obama’s Vogue Cover Is More Celebrity Glamour than Pearl-wearing First Lady
Reading B How China’s “Mr. Bags” Moves Luxury Handbags in One Minute
Reading C New Exhibition Explores Legacy of Black Fashion Designers
Reading D The Power of Beauty and Fashion

Unit Five Sports and Sportsmen
Reading A China and the Modern Olympic Games
Reading B A Giant Deserving Respect
Reading C David Beckham
Reading D Usain Bolt — the World’s Fastest Human

Unit Six Chinese Dream
Reading A Is the Chinese Dream Fantasy or Reality?
Reading B The American Dream + The Chinese Dream = A New World Dream
Reading C Chasing Chinese Dream in Your Own Way
Reading D All Aboard: China’s Railway Dream

Unit Seven World’s Eyes on China
Reading A PM’s Speech at Beida University
Reading B My Advice for China’s Students
Reading C Chinese Kungfu: Behind the “Craze”
Reading D Confucius in the Eyes of Americans

Unit Eight The Influence of Culture
Reading A American Behaviors Considered Rude Around the World
Reading B Lifelong Study of China Shaped Scholar
Reading C Confucian Legacy
Reading D How Important Is Culture in Shaping Our Behavior?

Table IReading Speed Progress Chart
Table 2Reading Comprehension Progress Chart
Table 3Reading Efficiency Progress Chart


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:129

印  次:1

版  次:1

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸

