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作  者:王东升,李修江,郭璐宁,邹姗姗,刘方方

出 版 社:清华大学出版社


定  价:79.00

I S B N :9787302506690

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语综合教程    

标  签:




本套教材共四册,是面向高中英语水平以上的学生而编写的强化阅读教程。本套书的词汇量起点为1基础的3 000 个单词,通过计算机程序筛选,以英国国家语料库1常用词汇列表的前11部分为基准,每册书增加2 000 个新词,四册书的词汇覆盖量达到11 000。每册各包含十个单元,每单元由Focus on、Text A和Text B三部分组成。本书帮助学生掌握第3 000~5 000 的两千词汇量;Focus on板块主要聚焦构词法,加深学生对构词法规律的认知。


Unit 1 Leaders and Leadership .................................................................1
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (1) .........................................................................................2
Section II Text A: Leaders and Leadership ......................................................4
Section III Text B: Matilda—Th e Queen Who Rewrote the Rules .............. 26
Unit 2 Mysteries of the World ................................................................. 39
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (2) ...................................................................................... 40
Section II Text A: Th e Whole Universe Catalog .......................................... 42
Section III Text B: Aliens Among Us .............................................................. 59
Unit 3 Food and Nutrients ...................................................................... 77
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (3) ...................................................................................... 78
Section II Text A: Food Elements and Th eir Uses ....................................... 80
Section III Text B: Th e Chemistry of Food and Nutrition ........................... 97
Unit 4 Women’s Roles ............................................................................ 113
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (4) .................................................................................... 114
Section II Text A: Th e Making of a Revolution .......................................... 116
Section III Text B: Peculiar Responsibilities of American Women ........... 133
Unit 5 The Spirit of America and England ......................................... 149
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (5) .................................................................................... 150
Section II Text A: Th e Spirit of America ..................................................... 152
Section III Text B: Th e Spirit of England ...................................................... 167
目 录
Unit 6 The Origin of Human Beings .................................................... 185
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (6) .................................................................................... 186
Section II Text A: Th e Descent of Man ....................................................... 188
Section III Text B: Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands ............. 203
Unit 7 Natural Calamities ...................................................................... 219
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (7) .................................................................................... 220
Section II Text A: San Francisco and Its Terrifi c Earthquake ................... 222
Section III Text B: Charleston, Galveston, Johnstown—Our
American Disasters ...................................................................... 237
Unit 8 This Is America ............................................................................ 253
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (8) .................................................................................... 254
Section II Text A: What Is America ............................................................. 256
Section III Text B: Origin of the Anglo-Americans and Its
Importance in Relation to Th eir Future Condition ................. 270
Unit 9 Books ............................................................................................ 289
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (9) .................................................................................... 290
Section II Text A: On the Choice of Books ................................................. 293
Section III Text B: Th e Use of Books in Early Irish Monasteries ............... 310
Unit 10 Wealth and Happiness ............................................................. 327
Section I Focus on Critical Th inking and Critical
Reading (10) .................................................................................. 328
Section II Text A: Th e Scent of Money ........................................................ 330
Section III Text B: And Th ey Lived Happily Ever Aft er ............................. 347


many things could go wrong; people wouldn’t stay loyal to such a cause all their lives; evidence of it
simply couldn’t be covered up forever.
Th en the Gray aliens came into view, and the situation took on a wholly diff erent complexion.
If the aliens have secretly planted their agents throughout civilization for decades and if they are
pursuing contact with the top echelons of power here in the US. via MJ-12 and its successors, then
over the years they could have been playing out a hand that was strategized nowhere but in Hell.
Look at the membership of those power groups such as MJ-12. Th ey lead straight into the heart of
the most disturbing “conventional” conspiracy theories about international fi nance and military/
political intrigue. For example, consider the Skull and Bones14 Society at Yale. It is, from the
political conspiracy theorists’ point of view, the quintessential “evil empire” within the USA. George
Bush, McGeorge Bundy, and a large number of the Trilateral Commission15 members and the
Council on Foreign Relations16 were tapped by this secret society while they were undergraduates
at Yale and were bound by an oath of secrecy to loyalty to the “Bones” purpose, which goes far, far
beyond simple collegial fraternity and the typical “good ol’ boy” network.
Th e conspiracy theorists say that the aim of all this is to covertly create a new world order
in which the secret establishment becomes the hidden power controlling global affairs—its
economy, science, industry, religion, education, technology, etc., even while maintaining for the
masses a facade of increasing freedom and prosperity for the world. Nationhood would wither
away, but political power would not. It would be consolidated behind a screen through the
fraternal bonds of men whose aims and loyalty are not to any country or group except their own
transnational cabal.

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