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英语语法看这本就够了大全集(全新修订版 语法入门)

作  者:[美]克里斯汀,[美]金姆,李文昊

出 版 社:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社


定  价:48.00

I S B N :9787553792965

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练    

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目录   Contents
    使用说明 .............................................5
    Chapter 1 基础篇 Introduction
    1.1 音标 Phonetic Symbols.............................8
    1.2 发音规则 Rules of Pronunciation.................. 10
    1.3 书写规则 Rules of Writing........................ 17
    Chapter 2 构词篇 Word Formation
    2.1 派生 Derivation.................................. 26
    2.2 合成 Compounding................................. 28
    2.3 转化 Conversion.................................. 31
    2.4 截短 Clipping.................................... 33
    2.5 混合 Blending.................................... 35
    Chapter 3 词性篇 Part of Speech
    3.1 动词(一) Verbs I............................... 38
    3.2 动词(二) Verbs II...............................47
    3.3 名词 Nouns....................................... 63
    3.4 代词 Pronouns.....................................76
    3.5 冠词 Articles.................................... 98
    3.6 连词 Conjunctions.................................104
    3.7 介词 Prepositions................................ 112
    3.8 数词 Numerals.................................... 121
    3.9 量词 Quantifiers..................................132
    3.10 形容词 Adjectives................................137
    3.11 副词 Adverbs.....................................164
    3.12 疑问词 Interrogative Words.......................179
    3.13 感叹词 Interjections.............................185
    Chapter 4 时态篇 Tenses
    4.1 一般现在时 Present Simple Tense...................192
    4.2 一般过去时 Past Simple Tense......................194
    4.3 一般将来时 Future Simple Tense....................196
    4.4 过去进行时 Past Continuous Tense..................198
    4.5 过去完成时 Past Perfect Tense.....................199
    4.6 现在进行时 Present Continuous Tense...............201
    4.7 现在完成时 Present Perfect Tense..................202
    4.8 将来进行时 Future Continuous Tense................203
    4.9 将来完成时 Future Perfect Tense...................204
    Chapter 5 语态篇 Active Voice and Passive Voice
    5.1 被动语态的构成 Formation of the Passive Voice.....206
    5.2 被动语态的用法 Function of the Passive Voice......211
    5.3 主动变被动 Conversion into the Passive Voice......215
    Chapter 6 语气篇 Moods
    6.1 类别 Classification..............................224
    6.2 虚拟语气结构 Formation of the Subjunctive Mood....227
    6.3 虚拟语气用法 Usage of the Subjunctive Mood........230
    Chapter 7 句式篇 Sentences
    7.1 句子成分 Sentence Constituents....................238
    7.2 句子分类 Types of Sentences.......................241
    7.3 简单句 Simple Sentences...........................242
    7.4 陈述句 Declarative Sentences......................248
    7.5 疑问句 Interrogative Sentences....................251
    7.6 感叹句 Exclamatory Sentences......................257
    7.7 祈使句 Imperative Sentences.......................259
    7.8 名词性从句 Noun Clauses...........................263
    7.9 定语从句 Attributive Clauses......................276
    7.10 状语从句 Adverbial Clauses.......................283
    7.11 直接与间接引语 Direct and Indirect Speech........295
    7.12 插入语 Parentheses.............................. 303
    Chapter 8 特殊句式篇 Special Sentences
    8.1 主谓一致 Subject-predicate Agreement..............309
    8.2 There be句型 There be Sentences.................. 318
    8.3 倒装 Inversion....................................327
    8.4 强调句 Emphatic Sentences........................ 339



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