 您现在的位置:图书 > 中国民族器乐(英文版)


作  者:袁静芳

译  者:张伯瑜

出 版 社:中央音乐学院出版社


定  价:220.00

I S B N :9787810967266

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  高职高专教材    

标  签:








    A. Defining Instrumental Music and the Concept of Yuezhong (Music Genre)
    B. History of Instrumental Music
       1. Instrumental Music in the Pre -Qin Dynasty
       2. Instrumental Music from the Qin and Han to Wei and Jin Dynasties
       3. Instrumental Music in the Sui and Tang Dynasties
       4. Instrumental Music in the Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties
       5. Instrumental Music of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
    C. Regional Styles of Folk Instrumental Music: Key Elements
       1. The Influence of Performing Techniques of Musical Instruments on Characteristics of Melodic Style
       2. Conventional Melodic Elaboration Technique in Folk Music
       3. The Types of Ensembles
Part I  Major Genres and Artistic Characteristics of Solo Music
  Chapter 1  Di, Sheng, and Xiao Music
    A. An Overview of Di Flute
       1. Historical Evolution
       2. Organological Studies of Di Flute
    B. Bangdi Flute and Its Music in North China
       1. Typical Masterpieces and Performing Style
       2. Techniques of Melodic Expansion in Bangdi Flute Music
    C. Di Flute Music in South China
       1. Repertoire and Performing Style
       2. Techniques of Melodic Elaboration in Qudi Flute Music
    D. Characteristics of Performing Techniques of Flute
       1. Fingering Techniques of Bamboo Flute
       2. Di Flute Performing Techniques
    E. Sheng (Mouth Organ), Hulu Sheng (Gourd Mouth Organ), and Lu Sheng (Bamboo Mouth Organ) Music
       1. Sheng (Mouth Organ) Music
       2. Music of Hulu Sheng
       3. Music of Lu Sheng (Bamboo Mouth Organ)
     F. Music of Dongxiao (Vertical Bamboo Flute)
       1. Historical Evolution
       2. A Brief Introduction to the Instrument
       3. Performing Style of Dongxiao Music
  Chapter 2  Music for Erhu, Banhu and Matouqin
     A. A Brief Introduction to Erhu
       1. Historical Evolution
       2. A Brief Introduction of the Instruments
     B. Hua Yanjun and His Erhu Performance
       1. Erhu Masterpieces by Hua Yanjun
       2. Artistic Characteristics of Erhu Pieces by Hua Yanjun
     C. Erhu Music by the National Musician Liu Tianhua
       1. Erhu Music Composed by Liu Tianhua
       2. Characteristics of Masterpieces by Liu Tianhua and His Contribution to
        the Development of Erhu Music
     D. Contemporary Erhu Performing Art
       1. A Brief Introduction
       2. Analyses of the Selected Works
     D. Characteristics of Erhu Performing Techniques
       1. Tuning systems
      2. Performing Techniques
     B. Banhu Music
       1. Brief Introduction of Banhu
      2. Development of Solo Music for Banhu
     G. Music of Matouqin (Horse Head Fiddle)
       1. A Brief Introduction of Matouqin
      2. Matouqin Music
  Chapter 3  Zheng Zither Music
    A. An Overview of the Instrument Zheng
Part II  Major Types and Artistic Characteristics of Ensemble Music


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