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Biotech's Dictionary of Genetic Engineering

Biotech's Dictionary of Genetic Engineering

作  者:Dinesh Arora

出 版 社:Laurier Books Ltd


定  价:1528.40

I S B N :9788176221207

所属分类: 外版书  >  英文原版书  >  医学 Medicine    


标  签:




Illust, 23 cm. -Genetic Engineering is the host subject today, having left behind even Computers. It is daily in news, with progress in cloning and gene transformation getting splashed all over. Newspapers and Television discuss the ethics of cloning and sharp debates take place on the benefits that mankind may expect from it. As the name implies, genetic engineering is all about manipulating genetic inheritance of cells. In the 90s of the last century, it became possible to transfer genes from one cell to another by the use of enzymes. DNA recombinant techniques, as it is called, has made it possible, e.g. to introduce insulin producing human gene into E. Coli bacteria and have it produce insulin which can be used by ' diabetes patients. The dictionary deals with all the major aspects of this marvellous technology, right from the nitty gritties of techniques and jargon to its future benefits and ethical implications. It gives the meaning of thousands of technical/jargon words used in genetics, cytology, pollution study and physiology/medicine. It is hoped that students will benefit greatly from it and it will become a standard reference dictionary for them.


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