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When Sarah Palin Came to Town

When Sarah Palin Came to Town

作  者:Tony Newman

出 版 社:Copper Raven Press


定  价:214.80

I S B N :9780615563176

所属分类: 外版书  >  英文原版书  >  人文社科 Non Fiction    

标  签:




This collection of cartoons follows Sarah Palin's career from her first bid for statewide office in Alaska to the present. Most of these cartoons were originally published in the Juneau Empire, the daily newspaper for Alaska's capital city, where I've lived since 1994. A few have been partially redrawn and reformatted for this publication, but most appear here as they first appeared in print. This collection also contains many cartoons never published before or that wer developed specifically for this collection.Before 2008 the questions Alaskans would get from outsiders were typically concerned with fishing, polar bears, or the darkness that envelopes us in winter. Now we are accustomed to questions about Sarah Palin. These questions come from individuals who love her and don't understand why others don't; or they come from people who are baffled by her appeal. These cartoons and essays are intended to provide a glimpse into the Alaskan experience of Sarah Palin as it unfolded, real time, as a response to both perspectives. This collection also is intended to help my fellow Alaskans \u0096 Juneau residents in particular \u0096 relive this unique period in our recent history, and process our complex relationship with this public figure. This should be healthy for us.,


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页  数:22

