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Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Cont

Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Cont

作  者:Biz Stone

出 版 社:New Riders Publishing


定  价:358.60

I S B N :9780735712997

所属分类: 外版书  >  英文原版书  >  人文社科 Non Fiction    


标  签:




Turn your home page into a microportal with fresh content that will keep readers coming back. The first hands-on book on building blogs, this is an excellent tutorial for new bloggers, and includes many advanced techniques for veteran bloggers. Simply put, web logging, known as blogging, is an easy way of updating a web page via a browser without the hassle of launching an FTP client or HTML editor. With all the templates, add-ons, and extra features associated with building this microportal, the blog is a new take on the home page. The blog brings the voice of its creator to the surface, builds it into the design, and keeps the content fresh and meaningful. This book features hands-on tutorials for building a blog, adding a user based commenting system, adding team members, syndicating with JavaScript, adding searches to a site, and much more. This is the book for creative web-enthusiasts looking for the \


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页  数:336

