 您现在的位置:图书 > 成人高等教育英语.第2册(修订版)


作  者:陈德民 总主编

出 版 社:上海交通大学出版社


定  价:14.00

I S B N :9787313018038

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  成人教育教材    

标  签:成人高等教育英语  英语与其他外语  




本教材的编写充分考虑到了成人学习英语的困难与特点,严格掌握英语学习和教学的规律性和教材编写的科学性,同时编者充分注意循序渐进,删繁就简,突出重点,注重操练,以使学生在较短的时间内掌握必要的 、最为常用的语音、词汇和语法项目。学生通过学习掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和技能,具备阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语应用能力打下较扎实的基础。
本教材的编写充分考虑到了成人学习英语的困难与特点,严格掌握英语学习和教学的规律性和教材编写的科学性,同时编者充分注意循序渐进,删繁就简,突出重点,注重操练,以使学生在较短的时间内掌握必要的 、最为常用的语音、词汇和语法项目。学生通过学习掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和技能,具备阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语应用能力打下较扎实的基础。


Unit 1
Text A Higher Education in the United States
Text B Back tO School
Dialogue Change the Course to Be Taken
word Study
Structure Study Key Structure 1:句子的类别
Key Structure 2:状语从句(1)
Reading Practice Do Children Benefit or Suffer
from Television7
Unit 2
Text A A11 work Is Play
Text B Ten Ways tO Get you Exercising at
Dialogue Joining a Swimming Class
word Study
Structure Study Key Structure l:动词时态小结
Key Structure 2:动词不定式
Reading Practice Why Stop Smoking7
Unit 3
Text A H0w Americans Get Married
Text B The Traditional Ameriean Wedding
Dialogue Just Right for Each Other
Word Study
Structurc Study Key Structure l:情态动词
Key Structure 2:被动语态
Reading Practice A Peculiar Way of Dating
Unit 4
TcXt A Freddy Smith,Bank Teller
TeXt B For Recognition As Well As Cash
Dialogue At the Bank
word Study
Structurc Study Key Structure:定语从句(1)
Reading Practice Occupations
Unit 5
Text A Smart Shopping
TcXt B The Stock Market
Dialogue Shopping
word Study
Strueture Study Key Structure l:定语从句(2)
Kev Structure 2:状语从句(2)
Reading Practice Getting Fat on Staying Slim
Unit 6


Reading Practice
Why Stop Smoking?
The biggest contribution you can make to your future health is to stop smoking. As soon as you stop, your risk of getting cancer, or havinga stroke or heart attack, starts going down. You will also breathe better, have fewer coughs and your clothes will smell fresher.Research has shown that smoking can make your skin more wrinkly and make you look older, so stopping will help your appearance.
Facts and Figures. Smoking-related illnesses kill 100,000 peoplea year—that is 5 times-as many as road accidents. The good news is that millions upon millions of people in the world have stopped smoking in the last 15 years. Also about 150 large trees are cut down to make 1 acre of tobacco. The average smoker gets through 1 tree every 2 weeks. So if you stop you will also be helping to save the environment.
Hints on Smoking. People who stop smoking at once are most likely to stay stopped. Set a "quit date" in your diary and stop completely on that date. Keeping a diary for a week before stopping, listing every cigarette smoked and why, may help you realize that you do not really need to smoke.
Tell family and friends and get their support. Giving up smoking is also much easier if couples and friends try together.
Create no-smoking areas at home and work.
Remove all ashtrays from the immediate environment.
Where possible, avoid situations where you might be tempted to smoke.
Take up exercise or a hobby to replace smoking.
If stopping at once does not work, try cutting down slowly. You can do this in several ways, for example:
Smoking only a part of the cigarette
Cutting cigarettes in half
Smoking herbal cigarettes
Buying smaller packets
Stopping for one day a week and gradually increasing the smoke- free period.
Collect the money otherwise spent on cigarettes in a glass jar. Keep the jar on a shelf within easy view.
Some people carry an unopened packet with them so that they do not panic when they "give in". This works to relieve their anxiety—the person often finds they never open the packet.
Withdrawal effects are rarely severe and usually pass in a month
or SO.
Notes to the Passage
contribution 贡献
wrinkly 由皱纹的,易起皱纹
acre 英亩
tobacco 烟草
ashtray 烟灰缸
withdrawal 戒毒(脱瘾)过程
keep a diary 记日记
within easy view 能看的见的
cut down 减少
give in 让步;屈服
Comprehension of the passage
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
1. A non-smoker never gets cancer or has stroke or heart attack.
2. Smoking is not only harmful to your health, but also bad for your appearance.
3. Smoking is likely to cause coughs.
4. We have to cut one tree to grow tobacco for one smoker to smoke every two weeks.
5. To some degree, we may say that smokers are environment
6. Smokers may easily find that they do not really need to smoke if they ask themselves when they take up a cigarette.
7. It is no good telling your family or your friends that you are going to stop smoking.
8. Remove all ashtrays from the immediate environment because they look dirty.
9. One possible way to quit smoking is to cut down slowly.
10. Exercise and hobbies help you give up smoking.

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