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一口气读完百位文学巨匠的传世名篇(名家译本 彩插典藏 中英对照版 全2册)

作  者:【英】威廉·华兹华斯,【英】约翰·济慈 等,【美】欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威,【美】亨利·戴维·梭罗 等

出 版 社:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社

丛 书:易人外语


定  价:70.00

I S B N :23841023

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    


标  签:外语  英汉对照  英语读物  



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【英】威廉华兹华斯,19世纪英国著名的“湖畔派”浪漫主义诗人之一,为继莎士比亚、弥尔顿之后的一代大家。华兹华斯的诗歌一反新古典主义平板、典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风,代表作有《孤独的收割人》《水仙花》《序曲》等。 【英】约翰济慈,英国浪漫主义诗派的主要代表人物之一,与雪莱、拜伦齐名。他的诗被认为完美地体现了西方浪漫主义诗歌的特色,代表作有《伊莎贝拉》《夜莺颂》《希腊古瓮颂》《秋颂》等。


第一卷 在自然的国度
The State of Nature/ 自然的国度 8
The Birds' Rondel/ 鸟儿回旋曲 10
Ode to the Sea/ 大海颂 12
Meeting at Night/ 夜会 16
Spring/ 春 18
July/ 七月 20
Nature/ 大自然 22
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening/ 雪夜林边驻足 26
A Minor Bird/ 一只小小鸟 28
At the Time of Peony Blossoming/ 牡丹盛开的时节 30
Snow in the Suburbs/ 郊外雪景 32
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud/ 我像云一样,孤独地漫游 36
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge/ 威斯敏斯特桥上 40
Autumn Day/ 秋日 42
To Autumn/ 秋颂44
Dover Beach/ 多佛海滩 50
Song: On May Morning/ 五月晨歌 54
The Violet/ 紫罗兰 56
The First Jasmines/ 最初的茉莉花 58
That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold/ 在我身上你也许会看见秋天 60
Honeysuckle/ 忍冬 62
The Golden Sunset/ 金色的日落 64
Crossing the Bar/ 沙洲横渡 66
To the Moon/ 对月 70
Boats Sail on the Rivers/ 船在河上航行 74
The Tiger/ 老虎 76
To Daffodils/ 咏黄水仙花 80
The Light of the Moon/ 月光 82
The Lake Isle of Innisfree/ 茵尼斯弗利湖岛 84
Song of a Second April/ 又四月之歌 86
Further in Summer than the Birds/久已离去夏日的鸟鸣 88
I Heard You, Solemn-sweet Pipes of the Organ/ 我听见你,庄严美妙的管风琴 90
第二卷 当爱悄然靠近
How Do I Love Thee/ 我该如何去爱你 94
The Grief of My Heart/ 内心深处的悲伤 96
The Miller's Daughter/ 磨坊主的女儿 98
Quiet Girl/ 安静的姑娘 100
Remember/ 记住 102
My Love Is Come to Me / 我的爱人向我走来104
If You Forget Me/ 如果你忘了我 108
Up at the Stars Thou Art Gazing/ 当你抬头望星 114
To Helen/ 致海伦 116
The Lost Mistress/ 失去的恋人 118
Hidden Flame/ 隐藏的火焰 122
When You Are Old/ 当你老了 126
Cantus Troili/ 特罗丽情歌 128
A Broken Appointment/ 一次失约 132
To His Coy Mistress/ 致娇羞的情人 134
The Unfading Beauty/ 不朽的美 140
The Shepherdess/ 牧羊女 142
I Have Loved You/ 我曾经爱过你 144
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways/她栖居在杳无人迹的小道边 146
When I Am Dead, My Dearest/ 当我辞世而去,我的最爱 148
A Red, Red Rose/ 一株红红的玫瑰 150
O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast/ 如果你站在冷风里 152
Requiescat/ 安魂曲 154
Love Is More Thicker Than Forget/ 爱比忘却深沉 156
I Carry Your Heart with Me/ 我将你的心带在身上 158
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love/热恋中的牧人致心爱的姑娘 160
On a Faded Violet/ 一朵枯萎的紫罗兰 164
Look Not in My Eyes/ 请别看我的眼睛 166
Song to Celia/ 希丽亚之歌 168
I Long to Speak the Deepest Words/ 我想要对你说出最深沉的话语 170
First Love/ 初恋 174
第三卷 趁青春正远航
Young and Old/ 青春与暮年 178
I'll Try/ 我要试试 180
At the Seaside/ 海边 182
Dreams/ 梦想 184
The Ship Starting/ 起程的船 186
The Flight of Youth/ 青春的飞逝 188
Seafarer/ 航海家 190
On His Being Arrived at the Age of 23/满二十三周岁 193
As We Rush/ 当我们急速行进 195
Hope Is the Thing with Feathers/ 希望是飞鸟 197
Faith/ 信念 199
The Seekers/ 找寻者们 201
Today/ 今天 205
Hope/ 希望 207
Remember/ 记住 211
Today Is a New Day/ 今天是新的一天 213
Follow Your Own Course/ 遵循你自己的道路 215
The Road Not Taken/ 未选择的路 218
Longing Is the Core/渴望是神秘的核心 221
Life/ 生活 223
Native Land/ 祖国 225
If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking/假如我能使一颗心免于破碎 229
Like Barley Bending/ 像大麦那样俯身 231
Do You Fear the Wind/ 你可曾惧怕寒风凛冽 233
第四卷 人生路且缓行
I Travelled Among Unknown Men/ 我曾孤独地在陌生人中旅行 236
Song of Myself/ 自我之歌 238
On Changes/ 关于变化 240
A Farewell to Worldly Joys/ 永别了,世俗之乐 242
A Grain of Sand/ 一粒沙子 244
The River of Life/ 生命之川 246
On His Seventy-fifth Birthday/ 写在他七十五岁生日之时 250
Winter Poem/ 冬日之诗 252
Going and Staying/ 逝与留 255
The Human Seasons/ 人生四季 257
The Noble Nature/ 高贵的天性 259
I Never Saw a Moor/ 我从未见过荒原 261
Those Evening Bells/ 那些暮钟 263
Greece/ 希腊 265
Mutability/ 变 267
The Garden of Love/ 爱的乐园 269
Fire and Ice/ 火与冰 271
第五卷 对话另一个你
Sudden Light/ 顿悟 274
The Rainy Day/ 雨天 276
So We'll Go No More A-roving/ 我们将不再徘徊 278
When I Have Fears/ 每当我感到恐惧 280
Two Lives Are Yours/ 你有双重生命 282
Requiem/ 安魂曲 284
The Music Within/ 心灵深处的音乐 286
A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing/学识浅薄是件危险的事 288
Silent Meaning/ 沉默的含义 290
To Death/ 致死亡 292
If All the Skies Were Sunshine/ 如果满天都是阳光 294
Come Let's Speak of Our Souls/ 来,让我们谈论我们的灵魂 296
The More Loving One/ 让我们成为更有爱心的人 300
If by Your Life You Were Deceived/ 假如生活欺骗了你 302
Truth/ 真理 304
Virtue/ 美德 306
What Is Success/ 成功的内涵 308
Things that Endure/ 持久的事物 310
I Had No Time to Hate/我没有时间憎恨 314
Meditation/ 默想 316

第一卷 你若盛开,清风自来
Love Your Life/ 热爱生活 6
Companionship of Books/ 与书为伴 8
True Nobility/ 真正的高贵 11
Taking Your Fun/ 用快乐装点生活 13
The Faculty of Delight/ 喜悦的能力 18
Dance Like No One's Watching/ 纵情起舞 21
The Pleasure of Study/ 学习的乐趣 23
The Power of Friendship/ 友谊的力量 29
The Happy Door/ 快乐之门 36
Peace of Mind/ 平和之心 38
Every Man's Natural Desire to Be Somebody Else/ 人人想当别人 41
The Beginning of Wisdom/ 智慧的起点 46
Don't Let Happiness Run away/ 别让快乐溜走 49
Free to Soar/ 自由飞翔 52
Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself/ 彻悟自我 55
Forgiveness/ 宽恕 58
I will Be the Master of My Emotions/ 你若盛开,清风自来 61
The 50-Percent Theory of Life/ 生活半对半理论 66
Too Dear for the Whistle/ 得不偿失的哨子 70
Rules to Be Happy/ 快乐的法则 73
第二卷 别让青春满地荒凉
Three Days to See/ 假如给我三天光明 78
Learn to Live in the Present Moment/ 活在当下 85
Everyday Is a Gift/ 珍惜每一天 88
We Are on a Journey/ 人在旅途 92
Greeting this Day with Love in My Heart/ 用全身心的爱迎接今天 94
If I Rest, I Rust/ 吾休则锈 102
Man's Youth/ 别让青春满地荒凉 105
Expressing One's Individuality/ 有个性,尽飞扬 108
Hour in the Sun/ 阳光下的时光 112
What I Have Lived for/我为何而生 115
A New Life/ 焕发新生 118
The Goodness of Life/ 生命的美好 121
Enjoy the Journey of Life/享受生活 124
The Value of Time/ 时间的价值 128
On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth/ 有感于青春常在 131
I will Live this Day as if It Is My Last/ 假如明天就要死去 134
Packaging a Person/人生也需要包装 138
When You Are Old/ 当你老了 141
第三卷 心若有梦,风雨兼程
The Death of the Moth/ 飞蛾之死 144
The Road to Success/ 成功之路 149
April Showers Bring May Flowers/ 四月雨催开五月花 153
A Psalm of Life/ 人生礼赞 155
Success/ 成功之所在 159
Ignorance Makes One Happy/ 无知常乐 162
The Life I Desired/ 我所追求的生活 165
Great Expectations/ 满怀期望 167
Advice to a Young Man/ 给年轻人的建议 170
If the Dream Is Big Enough/ 心若有梦,风雨兼程 172
Dream—A Passion Within You/ 梦想生发,激情不灭 176
Wake up Your Life/ 叫醒你的生活 178
Care for Your Dream/ 关爱梦想 182
Get to Do/ 立即行动 185
Love Your Job/ 热爱工作 189
Successful Living/ 成与败的距离 194
第四卷 你的世界不会一直下雪
Of Study/ 论学习 200
Life Is What We Make It/ 你的所得由你决定 204
Courage/ 勇气 206
One Determined Angel/ 人间天使 208
Perseverance/ 坚持 212
Defeat/ 失败 215
On Motes and Beams/ 微尘与栋


The State of Nature

British│Alexander Pope

Nor think, in Nature's state they blindly trod1;
The state of nature was the reign2 of God:
Self-love and social at her birth began,
Union the bond of all things, and of man.
Pride then was not; nor arts, that pride to aid;
Man walked with beast, joint tenant of the shade;
The same his table, and the same his bed;
No murder clothed him, and no murder fed.
In the same temple, the resounding3 wood,
All vocal beings hymned their equal God.

1.trod [trd] v. 踩,踏(tread 的过去式)
2.reign [ren] n. 王权;君权;统治时期
3.resounding [r'zand] adj. 引起共鸣的;响亮的,宏亮的


【英】亚历山大. 蒲伯


The Birds' Rondel

British│Geoffrey Chaucer

Now welcome, summer, with thy1 sunshine soft,
This wintry weather thou2 wilt3 overtake,
And drive away the night so long and black!
Saint Valentine, thou who art crowned aloft,
The little birds are singing for thy sake;
Now welcome, summer, with thy sunshine soft,
This wintry weather thou wilt overtake.
They have good reason to be glad, and oft,
Since each has found his mate in bush and brake.
O blissfully they sing when they awake;
Now welcome, summers with thy sunshine soft,
This wintry weather thou wilt overtake,
And drive away the night so long and black!

1.thy [a] pron. 你的
2.thou [a] pron. 你
3.wilt [wlt] aux. will 的第二人称单数现在时陈述语述
drive away 驱车离开;驱散;赶走


【英】杰弗里. 乔叟

第一卷 你若盛开,清风自来 Love Your Life American│Henry David Thoreau However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks the poorest when you are richest. The faultfinder will find faults in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode1; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving2. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable3. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like a sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old, return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 热词天地 1.abode ['bd] n. 住所;家 2.misgiving [ms'ɡv] n. 疑虑;顾虑 3.disreputable [ds'repjtbl] adj. 名声不好的;不光彩的 热爱生活 【美】亨利·戴维·梭罗 无论你生活得怎样卑微,请直接面对吧!不要逃避,也不要恶语相加。生活并没有你想的那么糟。在你堆金积玉的时候,你的生活却看起来一贫如洗。一个吹毛求疵的人在天堂也能找到些问题。即使一贫如洗,也要热爱你的生活。纵然身处陋室,你也可以度过愉快、兴奋、辉煌的时光。斜阳西照,透过济贫院的窗,如在富人公寓的窗子上一般明亮;两地门前的积雪都会在初春消融。在我眼中,只有心态平和的人才会容易满足,积极乐观,不论身处何地都可以像在皇宫一般。于我而言,城中的穷人常常有着最独立自由的

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