 您现在的位置:图书 > 张剑考研英语黄皮书2016新编考研英语阅读理解150篇(基础训练) (32篇泛读+68篇精读)
张剑考研英语黄皮书2016新编考研英语阅读理解150篇(基础训练) (32篇泛读+68篇精读)

张剑考研英语黄皮书2016新编考研英语阅读理解150篇(基础训练) (32篇泛读+68篇精读)

作  者:曾鸣 张剑 刘晓英

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司


定  价:53.80

I S B N :9787510019289


标  签:考试  考研  考研英语  



TOP好评推荐   [展开]









Ⅰ 社会生活、伦理类
Text 1自我品牌化/9
Text 2生态智商影响生活方式/11
Text 3社交网站的商务用途/13
Text 4城市化进程/15
Text 5性格的可变性及影响因素/16
Text 6无聊成为“逝去的艺术形式”/19
Text 7美国子女的回巢现象/20
Text 8从“蚂蚱”回归“蚂蚁”/22
Ⅱ 科普类
Text 1“数字技能”无法取代“传统知识”/25
Text 2放弃基础研究的代价/27
Text 3科学理论错误的相对性/29
Text 4向业余者致敬/31
Text 5电脑黑客的两难处境/33
Text 6专家优势/35
Text 7“内容农场”兴起/38
Text 8为何21世纪缺少发明巨人/40
Ⅲ 商业经济类
Text 1经济的放血疗法/43
Text 2寻求比GDP更好的经济衡量标准/45
Text 3视频游戏不应遭禁/47
Text 4经济激励产生反效果/49
Text 5“经济价值”正解/51
Text 6经济复兴需要业余精神/53
Text 7经济现实中的年轻一代/55
Text 8经济学要从教条思维中解放出/57
Ⅳ 文化历史教育类
Text 1现代艺术危害西方社会/60
Text 2报纸的社会责任/61
Text 3历史“推”出来/63
Text 4艺术批评家的品质/65
Text 5“无纸化”办公/67
Text 6搭便车文化行将消失/69
Text 7新闻通讯社经营模式改变/71
Text 8从两组词的命运看美国文化/73
Unit 1
Text 1消极思考的力量/76
Text 2围绕“气候变化”存在诸多异端观点/82
Text 3管理者应向艺术家学习/87
Text 4我们为什么如此喜欢用So/92
Unit 2
Text 1究竟谁扼杀了Twinkie/99
Text 2数字暴乱击垮“盗版”法案/104
Text 3就“谷歌是否进行不公平竞争”的一项裁定/109
Text 4Y一代和新节俭文化/115
Unit 3
Text 1关于“非律师是否可以投资律师业”的诉讼/121
Text 2数字时代我们更聪明/126
Text 3社交网络下的口碑营销/131
Text 4从流行音乐的变迁看美国人情感的变化/137
Unit 4
Text 1“概率”和“可信度”均有其弊端/143
Text 2古老技术可能会一直与我们相伴/148
Text 3经济决定论之谬误/154
Text 4科学与公民义务/159Unit 5
Text 1网络个人主义正在改变社会关系/165
Text 2发表负结果有益于科学进步/170
Text 3亚当斯密的人道主义经济学/176
Text 4报业 VS谷歌之战/181Unit 6
Text 1如何解决心理学研究中的“数据操纵”问题/187
Text 2转基因食品之争/192
Text 3点对点租赁/198
Text 4群体智慧悖论/204Unit 7
Text 1移民带来的积极效益/210
Text 2艾滋科学和批判者之战/215
Text 3在线广告的创新/220
Text 4电子阅读器并未灭亡/225
Unit 8
Text 1道歉不一定能修复人际关系/232
Text 2核梦想的破灭/237
Text 3美国专利之谬/243
Text 4科学期刊的未来/249
Unit 9
Text 1如何遏制我们的不道德行为/255
Text 2如何消除气候变化怀疑论/260
Text 3电子邮件并非摧毁邮政业的元凶/265
Text 4精英阶层声誉降低/271
Unit 10
Text 1公共部门工会的壮大/276
Text 2内隐偏见无可避免/281
Text 3经济增长并非理所当然/287
Text 4英语全球化的利与弊/292
Unit 11
Text 1如今,科学天才都是并肩作战/298
Text 2基因移植能使孩子有三位父母/303
Text 3素食主义并非粮食危机的答案/309
Text 4不能靠亚马逊对在线图书把关/314
Unit 12
Text 1书评:城市的胜利/320
Text 2网络隐私权利法案/326
Text 3经济学不该成为纯理论科学/330
Text 4怀念即将逝去的文字“固定性” /336
Unit 13
Text 1用商业化搜索引擎组织人类知识不可取/342
Text 2集约农业不一定能挽救雨林/348
Text 3妖魔化银行家的风险/353
Text 4网络中立化需要引入竞争/359
Unit 14
Text 1城市正在演变为露天计算机/364
Text 2效法动物群体智慧/370
Text 3勿给自然资源定价/374
Text 4关于欺骗的一本欺骗性的书/379
Unit 15
Text 1“移情能力”和“学术成绩”并不矛盾/385
Text 2室外禁烟问题/390
Text 3基因分析能否申请专利/396
Text 4隐私为何重要/402
Unit 16
Text 1版权保护不应过度/408
Text 2“科学”是走出“自我认定事实”的唯一途径/413
Text 3唱片公司依然面对机遇/419
Text 4如何管理Y世代/424
Unit 17
Text 1你并非“拥有”电子书/430
Text 2面对引人入胜的研究,我们需保持清醒435
Text 3网络新闻收费无可厚非/442
Text 4无需担忧网络隐私/447



Unit One text 1

The holiday season poses a psychological conundrum. Its defining sentiment, of course, is joy — yet the effort to be joyous seems to make many of us miserable. Its hard to be happy in overcrowded airport lounges or while youre trying to stay civil for days on end with relatives who stretch your patience.

So to cope with the holidays, magazines and others are advising us to “think positive” — the same advice that Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking, was dispensing six decades ago. Variations of Peales positive philosophy run deep in American culture, not just in how we handle holidays and other social situations but in business, politics and beyond. Yet studies suggest that affirmations designed to lift the users mood through repetition and visualizing future success often achieve the opposite of their intended effect.
Fortunately, both ancient philosophy and contemporary psychology point to an alternative: a counterintuitive approach that might be termed “the negative path to happiness.” One pioneer of the “negative path” was psychotherapist Albert Ellis. He rediscovered a key insight of the Stoic philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome: that sometimes the best way to address an uncertain future is to focus not on the bestcase scenario but on the worst.
Just thinking in sober detail about worstcase scenarios can help to sap the future of its anxietyproducing power. The psychologist Julie Norem terms this strategy “defensive pessimism.” Positive thinking, by contrast, is the effort to convince yourself that things will turn out fine, which can reinforce the belief that it would be absolutely terrible if they didnt.
In American corporations, perhaps the most widely accepted doctrine of the "cult of positivity" is the importance of setting big goals for an organization. Behind our fixation on goals is a deep unease with feelings of uncertainty. Research by Saras Sarasvathy, an associate professor of business administration suggests that learning to accommodate feelings of uncertainty is not just the key to a more balanced life but often leads to prosperity as well. For one project, she interviewed 45 successful entrepreneurs. Almost none embraced the idea of writing comprehensive business plans or conducting extensive market research. They practiced instead “effectuation.” Rather than choosing a goal and then making a plan to achieve it, they took stock of the means and materials at their disposal, then imagined the possible ends. Effectuation also includes the “affordable loss principle.” Instead of focusing on the possibility of spectacular rewards from a venture, ask how great the loss would be if it failed. If the potential loss seems tolerable, take the next step.
The ultimate value of the “negative path” may not be its role in facilitating upbeat emotions or even success. It is simply realism. The future really is uncertain, after all, and things really do go wrong as well as right. We are too often motivated by a craving to put an end to the inevitable surprises in our lives.[490 words]

1. By talking about troubles of the holiday season, the author intends to .
[A] exemplify the psychological dilemmas in daily life
[B] illustrate the profound influence of Peales work
[C] introduce the prevailing thinking mode of Amercians
[D] show the necessity of advocating positive thinking
2. To which of the following proverbs would Albert Ellis agree?
[A] We cannot predict the future, but we can invent it.
[B] He that hopes no good fears no ill.
[C] The pessimist borrows trouble; the optimist lends encouragement.
[D] Selftrust is the first secret to success.
3. The experiences of 45 entrepreneurs are mentioned mainly to demonstrate .
[A] the change in the management philosophy of American corporations
[B] the necessity of setting big goals for an organization
[C] the role of negative thinking in peoples success
[D] the importance of “the affordable loss principle” in business
4. According to Paragraph 5, it is essential for managers to .
[A] establish challenging targets[B] conduct inclusive market analysis
[C] calculate potential revenues and rewards[D] consider possible risks and costs
5. Paragraph 6 implies that the biggest value of negative thinking is helping people .
[A] avoid being overwhelmed by low moods[B] get a clear picture of the way ahead
[C] succeed in eliminating the inevitable in life[D] accept the uncertainty of life


文章节选自 Wall Street Journal《华尔街日报》 2013.01.09一篇题为The Power of Negative Thinking(消极思考的力量)的文章。本文主要亮点有:观点新颖,话题具体,脉络清晰,按照“提出人们通常提倡的思考方式‘积极思考’并说明其存在不足(第一、二段)——提出另一种思考方式‘消极思考’并介绍其内容(第三、四段)——详细介绍‘消极思考’的好处(第五、六段)”的脉络展开论述。
Ⅰ 引子部分,提出“过节心理难题”:一方面,过节时主要是快乐情绪;另一方面,为实现这种快乐所付出的努力却令人痛苦。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句总起全段,指出节假日给人们带来了psychological conundrum(心理难题);②第二、三句解释说明这一conundrum,这两句与首句为“总—分”关系;其中第二句通过its与首句衔接

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