 您现在的位置:图书 > 包装科学与技术基础(李瑞琴)(双语)


作  者:李瑞琴

出 版 社:化学工业出版社


定  价:46.00

I S B N :9787122219756

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  高职高专教材    

标  签:高职高专教材  教材  轻纺食品  








UNIT 1Perspective on Packaging Engineering1Section ADevelopment of the Packaging1
A.1Packaging Conception1
A.2Primitive Packaging1
A.3Modern Packaging2
A.4Modern Packaging Industry3
A.5Development of Packaging in Modern China5
Section BPackaging Function and Classification5
B.1Definitions of Different Packaging Levels5
B.2Contain Function6
B.3Protect/Preserve Function7
B.4Transport Function8
B.5Inform/Sell Function8
B.6New Function9
Section CPackaging Organizations and Associations10
C.1World Packaging Organization10
C.2China Packaging Federation11
C.3Other Packaging Associations12
Section DPackaging Engineering Education12
D.1Strong Need for Packaging Engineers12
D.2Responsibilities for the Packaging Engineer13
D.3Foreign Packaging Education14UNIT 2Packaging Materials and Containers16Section APaper and Paperboard16
A.2Machine Direction and Cross Direction17
A.3Paper Characteristics18
A.4Paper Types20
A.5Paperboard Cartons22
Section BCorrugated Fiberboard Boxes24
B.2Corrugated Board25
B.3Properties and Tests30
B.4Corrugated Boxes31
Section CMetal Materials and Containers35
C.1Metal Material35
C.2Metal Can38
Section DPlastics in Packaging42
Section EOther Materials in Packaging44
E.1Wood in Packaging44
E.2Glass in Packaging45UNIT 3Packaging Technology48Section AModified Atmosphere Packaging48
A.1Vacuum Packaging48
A.2Modified Atmosphere Packaging49
Section BShrink and Stretch Packaging51
B.1Shrink Packaging51
B.2Stretch Packaging52
B.3Plastics used for Shrink/Stretch Wrapping53
B.4Comparison of Shrink Wrapping and Stretch Wrapping54
Section CIntelligent Packaging55
C.1The Concept of Intelligent Packaging55
C.2Factors that will Aid the Growth of Intelligent Packaging56
C.3Quality Assurance Using Intelligent Labels56
C.4SelfHeating and SelfChilling Packaging56
C.5Thermochromic Labeling56
C.6Intelligent TamperProof Packaging57
C.7Possible Concerns over Intelligent Packaging57
C.8The Areas those will Benefit from Intelligent Packaging First57
C.9Prospects of Intelligent Packaging58
Section DAntiCounterfeiting Packaging59
D.1Types of AntiCounterfeiting Technology59
D.2Packaging Marking AntiCounterfeiting59
D.3Security Printing Technology61
D.4Special Process and Special Material AntiCounterfeiting63
D.5Special Packing Structure AntiCounterfeiting63
D.6Radio Frequency Identification AntiCounterfeiting63
Section EDesign in Thermoformed Packaging64
E.1Design Considerations64
E.2Design Options65
E.3Material Selection67
E.4Getting StartedSelecting a Mold Design67
Section FMedicalDevice Packaging68
F.1Tray Chic68
F.2Throwaway Line69
F.3Source Reduction69
F.4Sterilization is Often a Material Issue70UNIT 4Packaging Equipment72Section APackaging Machinery in Common Use72
A.1Automatic Adhesive Sealer and Automatic Tape Sealer72
A.2Stitcher and Stapler72
A.3Overwrapping Machine73
A.4Labeling Machine73
A.5Strapper and Palletizer74
Section BThe Packaging Line75
B.1The Packaging Line75
B.2Line Organization76
B.3Packaging Materials77
B.4Machine Capabilities77
B.5Line Balancing78
B.6Material and Container Characteristics78
Section CMethods and Equipment for Making Polymer Containers and Packagings79
C.1Method of Casting (injection) Molding of Thermoplasts80
C.2Method of ExtrusionBlow Molding of Polymer Containers and Packagings81
C.3InjectionBlow Molding Method83
C.4Method of Pneumatic and Vacuum Molding of Polymer Articles84
C.5Thermo mechanical Molding Method85
Section DOrigamibased Robotic Paperandboard Packaging for Food Industry87
D.1Multicell Operation and Reconfiguration89
D.2Motion Analysis90
D.3Robotic Tooling for Reconfigurable Packaging91
D.4Cooperative Packaging92
Section EAutomatic Folding of Cartons Using a Reconfigurable Robotic System94
E.1Carton Equivalent Mechanisms and Folding94
E.2Simulation of Automatically Folding Carton Trays with Gusset Corners97
E.3Reconfigurability Demonstrated in Simulation and Experiments101UNIT 5Package Printing105Section APrinting Methods105
A.2Printing Methods105
A.3Relief Printing107
A.5Gravure printing112
A.6Comparing Flexography,Lithography and Gravure114
Section BPackage Decoration Techniques114
B.1Stencil or Screen Printing115
B.2Reflective Metallics115
B.3HeatTransfer and HotStamp Printing116
B.4Pad Printing116
B.6Other Decorating and Marking Methods117
B.7Printing Inks118
B.8Digital Printing119
Section CPrinting Equipment120
C.1Introduction to Modern Lithographic Offset Press120
C.2The Gravure Press123
C.3Wideweb Flexographic Printing Presses126
Section DDevelopment Trends of Package Printing130
D.1Graphics Grow Up130
D.2Flexible Packaging131
D.3Coding and Marking131
D.4The Outer Packaging Printing132UNIT 6Distribution Packaging134Section AIntroduction134
A.1History and Development of Distribution Packaging in China134
A.2Function and Requirements of Distribution Packaging135
A.3Research Contents of Distribution Packaging135
Section BThe Distribution Packaging Design Process136
B.1Taking a Total System Approach to Package Design136
B.2The 10Step Process of Distribution Packaging Design139
B.3A Final Check and Checklist141
Section CShock,Vibration and Cushion Packaging Design142
C.3Method of Cushion Package Design148
Section DMarking of Distribution Packaging160UNIT 7Packaging Standards and Regulations163Section APackaging Organizations163
A.1International Organization for Standardization(ISO)163
A.2Food and Drug Administration(FDA)163
A.3ASTM International164
A.4International Safe Transit Association(ISTA)164
A.5American National Standards Institute(ANSI)165
Section BPackaging Standards and Regulations165
B.1ISO Series165
B.2ISTA Series166
B.3Other Series167
Section CUse of Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)in the Field of Packaging
Waste Management168
C.2Life Cycle Inventory168
C.3Life Cycle Impact Assessment169
C.4Application of LCA to sustainable Products and Packaging170
C.5Application of LCA to Sustainable Integrated Solid Waste Management170
C.6Use of LCA for Public Policy Making171
C.7Use of LCA to Establish Hierarchy for Packaging Waste Management172
C.8Conclusions173UNIT 8Computer Aided Packaging Design and Packaging Development Process174Section AComputer Aided Packaging Design174
A.1Perspective to Computer Aided Packaging Design174
A.2ArtiosCAD Module Descriptions178
A.4Esko ArtiosCAD’s Practices190
Section BThe Whole Packaging Development Process198Appendix 1GB Packaging Standards and Regulations205Appendix 2Glossary of Packaging Terms 207Appendix 3Packaging Organizations and Associations214Appendix 4Foreign University Providing Packaging Education216References217


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