 您现在的位置:图书 > 托福考试听力特训(附MP3)


作  者:(韩)JI-YEON LEE

出 版 社:北京语言大学出版社

丛 书:新东方大愚英语学习丛书


定  价:58.00

I S B N :9787561939772

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    

标  签:托福TOEFL  外语  英语考试  



TOP好评推荐   [展开]




Structures & Features

Chapter 1 Listen Again
Sample_Report on Disk /14
Dialogue & Dictation 1_Disability Facilities /20
Dialogue & Dictation 2_Organizing an Essay /24
Dialogue & Dictation 3_Demonstration /28
Lecture & Dictation 1_Law: Patent & Intellectual Property /32
Lecture & Dictation 2_Civil Engineering: Suspension Bridge /36
Lecture & Dictation 3_Philosophy: Nihilism /40
Practice Test /44

Chapter 2 Attitude & Purpose
Sample_Geology: Super Volcano /48
Dialogue & Dictation 1_Taking a Summer Course /58
Dialogue & Dictation 2_ Trip to Japan /62
Dialogue & Dictation 3_Running for President /66
Lecture & Dictation 1_psychology: Emotional Memory /70
Lecture & Dictation 2_Technology: Mobile Phone /74
Lecture & Dictation 3_Health: Dementia /78
Practice Test /82

Chapter 3 Inference
Sample_Historic Art /86
Dialogue & Dictation l_Asking Directions /92
Dialogue & Dictation 2_Project on Digestion /96
Dialogue & Dictation 3_Health Insurance Policy /100
Lecture & Dictation1_Physics: Complex Theory /104
Lecture & Dictation 2_Spors Engineering: Tennis /108
Lecture & Dictation 3_Law: Freedom of Speech vs. Hate Speech /112
Practice Test /116

Chapter 4 Table & Multiple Answers
Sample_Sociology: Functionalist Perspective & Conflict Perspective /120
Dialogue & Dictation 1_Changing Courses /126
Dialogue & Dictation 2_Work Study Program /130
Dialogue & Dictation 3_Scholarship /134
Lecture & Dictation 1_Biology: Diabetes /138
Lecture & Dictation 2_European History: Ireland Famine /142
Lecture & Dictation 3_Social Welfare: Post Cancer Employment /146
Practice Test /150

Chapter 5 Details
Sample_At the Library /154
Dialogue & Dictation 1_Student Discount /160
Dialogue & Dictation 2_Clildcare on Campus /164
Dialogue & Dictation 3_Academic Transcripts /168
Lecture & Dictation 1_Anatomy: the Brain /172
Lecture & Dictation 2 American Literature: Mark Twain /176
Lecture & Dictation 3 Economics: Bank /180
Practice Test /184

Chapter 6 Main Idea & Organization
Sample_Biology: Sunshine 188
Dialogue & Dictation 1_Losing Weight /194
Dialogue & Dictation 2_Repor on Beluga Whales /198
Dialogue & Dictation 3_Summer Break /202
Lecture & Dictation 1_Jouralsm: Newspapers and Journalists /206
Lecture & Dictation 2_ Geography: American Southern Coastlands /210
Lecture & Dictation 3 Law: Law in America /214
Practice Test /218

Actual Test
Actual Test 1 /222
Actual Test 2 /236


TOP 其它信息
