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作  者:(美)钱世锷 著

出 版 社:机械工业出版社

丛 书:经典原版书库


定  价:35.00

I S B N :9787111158349

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:信号处理  通信理论  通信  电子与通信  科普  英文版  英语读物  英语与其他外语  




本书从工程师的角度,而不是从抽象的数学方程的角度,用启发性的观点介绍了“时频和小波分析”问题。内容丰富、结构简明是本书的一大特点。本书每一章都从背景简介开始,进而转向理论推导,最后得到具有高度实用性的数字工具。书中所有的算法都可以在商业软件中找到,如美国国家仪器公司 (National Instruments, NI) 的Signal Processing Toolset,各种应用的例子都可以从NI网站上直接下载得到。本书包含了从NI用户中收集到的多种真实应用,其中很多都是首次公开发表。


钱世锷:是美国国家仪器公司的DSP总工程师,拥有8项专利。他致力于时频和小波分析的理论和应用研究多年。在应用方面,他主要研究旋转电机、通信、雷达、地震学、生物医学等。他是IEEE Signal Processing Magazine关于时频分析问题的特邀编辑,还是Joint Time-Frequency Analysis一书的主要作者。


Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fourier Transform
A Mathematical Prism
2.1 Frame
2.2 Fourier Transform
2.3 Relationship between Time and Frequency Representations
2.4 Characterization of Time Waveform and Power Spectrum
2.5 Uncertainty Principle
2.6 Discrete Poisson-Sum Formula
Chapter 3 Short-Time Fourier Transform and Gabor Expansion
3.1 Short-Time Fourier Transform
3.2 Gabor Expansion
3.3 Periodic Discrete Gabor Expansion
3.4 Orthogonal-Like Gabor Expansion
3.5 A Fast Algorithm for Computing Dual Functions
3.6 Discrete Gabor Expansion
Chapter 4 Linear Time-Variant Filters
4.1 LMSE Method
4.2 Iterative Method
4.3 Selection of Window Functions
Chapter 5 Fundamentals of the Wavelet Transform
5.1 Continuous Wavelet Transform
5.2 Piecewise Approximation
5.3 Multiresolution Analysis
5.4 Wavelet Transformation and Digital Filter Banks
5.5 Applications of the Wavelet Transform
Chapter 6 Digital Filter Banks and the Wavelet Transform
6.1 Two-Channel Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks
6.2 Orthogonal Filter Banks
6.3 General Tree-Structure Filter Banks and Wavelet Packets
Chapter 7 Wigner-Ville Distribution
7.1 Wigner-Ville Distribution
7.2 General Properties of the Wigner-Ville Distribution
7.3 Wigner-Ville Distribution for the Sum of Multiple Signals
7.4 Smoothed Wigner-Ville Distribution
7.5 Wigner-Ville Distribution of Analytic Signals
7.6 Discrete Wigner-Ville Distribution
Chapter 8 Other Time-Dependent Power Spectra
8.1 Ambiguity Function
8.2 Cohen's Class
8.3 Some Members of Cohen's Class
8.4 Reassignment
Chapter 9 Decomposition of the Wigner-Vi!le Distribution
9.1 Decomposition of the Wigner-Ville Distribution
9.2 Time-Frequency Distribution Series
9.3 Selection of Dual Functions
9.4 Mean Instantaneous Frequency and Instantaneous Bandwidth
9.5 Application for Earthquake Engineering
Chapter I0 Adaptive Gabor Expansion and Matching Pursuit
10.1 Matching Pursuit
10.2 Adaptive Gabor Expansion
10.3 Fast Refinement
10.4 Applications of the Adaptive Gabor Expansion
10.5 Adaptive Gaussian Chirplet Decomposition
Appendix Optimal Dual Functions


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:280

版  次:2005-01-01

开  本:16开
