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作  者:陈德民 总主编

出 版 社:上海交通大学出版社


定  价:16.00

I S B N :9787313020710

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  大学英语    

标  签:成人高等教育英语  英语与其他外语  






Unit 1
Text A A Confidence Building Kit
Text B Good Looks and Self—esteem
Dialogue Leaving a Message
Word Study lack.distinguish
Reading Practice Out of Air,Time and His Depth
Writing Practice Linking Facts by Using Relative Clsuscs
Translation Practice 词类转译法(1)
Unit 2
Text A Are Fairy Tales Good for Children?
Text B Whatever happened to manners7
Dialogue At the Travel Agency
Word Study influence.turn
Reading Practice Madame Tussaud’S
Writing Practice Linking Ideas by Using Signal Words(1)
Translation Practice 词类转译法(2)
Unit 3
Text A judging the Reliability and Usefulness of Sources
Text B Time Management
Dialogue Looking a Partner
Word Study familiar, term
Reading Practice Brains+Hard Work=Genius
Writing Practice Linking Ideas by Using Signal Words(2)
Translation Practice 增词法(1)
Unit 4
Text A School in the Sun
Text B The Teenage Teachers
Dialogue Enrolling at a Language School
Word Study free, attack
Reading Practice My Teaching Career
Writing Practice Writing Topic Sentences
Translation Practice 增词法(2)


Rock Star
Catherine Destivelle has deservedly become the most famous femaleclimber in the world. At 38 years old, she has conquered such historicclimbs as Nameless Tower in Pakistan and a wintertime solo of the 14,691-foot Matterhorn--climbs that have never been repeated by anotherwoman--and also has reached the top of the Eiger Nordwand. In thehighly competitive realm of sport climbing, where she first made hermark, she was crowned world champion no less than four times .
Standing on a ferry heading to the Orkney Islands in far northernScotland, Destivelle and her husband, Erik Decamp, anxiously lookacross the windswept ocean toward a 450-foot sandstone carvingstanding among theyears it has challenlrocky coast and greened the beatimzs of thehilltops. For thousandsocean and wind as wellofasrnan's attempts to scale it. Its name is The Old Man ofHoy, and forDestivelle, its looming presence in this windy, wet and dark land stands
as yet another challenge for her mind and body. Her attempt to solo TheOld Man marks a turning point in her life and career: She is threemonths pregnant- an entirely new challenge awaits in tile near future.Preparing to Solo
While most would expect Decamp to be here to provide support,that support was more technical than personal. "If I had no reason to behere I would not have come," he said. What Decamp didn't mentionwas that his wife was pregnant, perhaps the most compelling reason forhis supportive presence.
For Destivelle, her pregnancy isn't a factor. "I don't climb solo ifI'm not sure I will be able to do it. The fact that I'm pregnant doesn'tchange anything," she said. She admits that she hates feeling scared,and she always maintains a high level of safety in her climbing. But sheis certainly no stranger to injury, She has broken her back in a 115-footfall into a crevasse. She also performed a remote self-rescue in Antarcticathat resulted in a compound fracture. The hazards of her passion arealways apparent.
"Someone said that the best climbers are those that are alive," saidDecamp. As her husband and fan, Decamp has seen her face somefrightening circumstances. "She proved that she was able to keeprealistic and not go too far in the risk," he said.
A look at the Old Man Orkney is known for its windy and wetweather, but it was unusually so when Destivelle arrived--it was theworst weather that the month of June had witnessed in 100 years. Alongwith her husband, a mountain guide and her regular climbing partner,she carefully discovered the secrets ofirrevocable step of committing herselfThe Old Man before she took theto a solo climb, "I love climbingtowers because it's quite impressive," she said before her solo. "Above
the sea like this- it's beautiful. I'm not so used to climbing above thesea. I like the birds. It's quite new and it's quite an adventure. " It wasa statement that, at least in part,she might reconsider after her solo.The Climb Begins Moments before tile climb she quiets and gathers her concentration.h is a habitual preparation that she performs before every solo effort, asshe knows her safety depends on keen concentration. The first moves areeasy, but she performs them slowly and with the same calmness as thedifficult pitch that awaits her, some 300 feet above. Getting used to feelof the stone and the personality of the Old Man is important on thelower, easier parts. It is now that she builds a rhythm that will carry tothe top.
Reaching the first pitch, the trick is not to be brought into a falsesense of security by the easy climb within the chimney. Once you getburied within there, it is difficult, if not impossible, to go further.Skillfully negotiating the first pitch, she avoided the traps, getting ahand-jam for her right hand and fitting firmly into the crack. Onceabove the gap, the going is easier until the second pitch.
The second pitch is the last difficult section, but when Destivellearrived the sandstone was soaking with water--not something sheplanned on having to deal with, especially on a solo. She now had tomake more of an effort to make her hands and feet stick to the rock.Using her self-belay system, she had a few anxious moments, but wasup and out of the second pitch quickly. "What Catherine's very ood atis distributing her weight. You can see that she's pressing, pulling,pushing and gaining height almost effortlessly, spreading the load,bridging out with her hands and feet. It's lovely to watch. "Surprises Near the Top
Once ot, t of the second pitch, she has only another 15 feet to thetop, and there are relatively big steps and dry rock that help herprogress. Now more than 300 feet above the rocky coast, she leavesknow what it thought of her heroics’by vomiting into her face。And itdidn’t end there.Moments later she was waving her hands wildly to getthe beast tO fly away—au while she was over 3 00 feet high,with noprotection.
As she climbs the last few feet tO the top.she finishes one enormouschallenge while at the same time starting another。It is a landmark forboth her climbing,and her life.“I still have some dreams,SO I don’tknow what I will d0.I wilI have a child very soon,SO we’11 see,but Ithink I will go on climbing,maybe in another way.”she said.Notes
Catherine Destivelle 凯瑟琳.苔斯蒂韦尔
deservedly 理所当然地,应得地
Nameless丁ower 无名塔
solo 单独表演
Matterhorn 马特峰
Eiger Nordwand 艾格。诺德旺德
realm 领域,范围
ferry 渡船
orkney Islands 奥克尼群岛
Erik Decamp 埃里克。德坎普
anxiously 焦急地,急切地
windswept 风刮的。受大风侵袭的
sandstone 砂岩
carving 雕刻,雕刻品
The Old Man of Hoy 老人岩(岩名)
presence 到场.在,存在
prregnanl 怀孕的
await 等待

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:精装

页  数:340

版  次:2004-6-7

开  本:32/32开

