 您现在的位置:图书 > 华章教育:商务英语阅读


作  者:沈素萍 编

出 版 社:机械工业出版社


定  价:35.00

I S B N :9787111446668

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:外语学习  职业/行业英语  






Unit 1 Management
Unit 2 Human Resources Management
Unit 3 Economics
Unit 4 Marketing
Unit 5 Organization Behavior Science
Unit 6 International Finance
Unit 7 International Trade
Unit 8 International Investment
Unit 9 International Business Law
Unit 10 Project Management
Unit 11 Strategic Management
Unit 12 Financial Management
Unit 13 Ecommerce
Unit 14 Corporate Culture
Unit 15 Business Negotiation
Unit 16 Business Etiquette

第1章 管理学
第2章 人力资源管理
第3章 经济学
第4章 市场营销
第5章 组织行为学
第6章 国际金融
第7章 国际贸易
第8章 国际投资
第9章 国际商法
第10章 项目管理
第11章 战略管理
第12章 财务管理
第13章 电子商务
第14章 企业文化
第15章 商务谈判
第16章 商务礼仪


  Managers and Management
  Managers do matter!The Gallup Organization,which has polled millions of employeesand tens of thousands of managers,has found that the most important variable in employeeproductivity and loyalty isn''''t pay,benefits or workplace environment;it''''S the quality ofthe relationship between employees and their direct supervisors.In addition,Watson WyattWorldwide,a global consulting firm,found in its Work USA 2004/2005 study that the wayof a company manages its employees can significantly affect its financial performance.We can conclude from these reports that it pays to manage people right.This articlewill introduce you to managers and management by looking at who managers are,whatmanagement is and what managers do.Who Are Managers
  It used to be fairly simple to define who managers were.They were the organizationalmembers who told others what to do and how to do it.It was easy to differentiate managersfrom nonmanaxerial ployees;the latter term described those organizational members  asthe one who worked directly on a job or task and had no one reporting to them.But it isn''''tquite that simple anymore.The changing nature of organizations and work has in manyorganizations,blurred the distinction between managers and nonmanagerial employees.Many traditional nonmanagerial jobs nOW are included managerial activities.For example,managerial reSponsib山ties are shared by managers and team members at General CableCorporation''''S facility in Moose Jaw,Saskatchewan,Canada.Most of the employees atMoose Jaw are cross—trained and multiskilled.Within a single shift,an employee can be ateam leader,equipment operator,maintenance technician,quality inspector or improvementplanner.
  How do we define who managers are?A manager is someone who coordinatesand oversees the.work of other people SO that organizational goals can be accomplished.Amanager''''S job is not about personal aChieVement——it''''s about helping others do their work.That may mean coordinating the work of a departmental group,or it might mean supervisinga single person.It could involve coordinating the work activities of a team composed ofpeople from several different departments or even people outside the organization.

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:265

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸
