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Future of Management(ISBN=9781422102503)

Future of Management(ISBN=9781422102503)

作  者:Gary Hamel (加里·哈默尔) 著

出 版 社:Perseus


定  价:259.00

I S B N :9781422102503


标  签:Management Leadership  经管类 Business  英文原版书  




  What fuels long-term business success? Not operational excellence, technology breakthroughs, or new business models, but management innovation - new ways of mobilizing talent, allocating resources, and formulating strategies. Through history, management innovation has enabled companies to cross new performance thresholds and build enduring advantages. In "The Future of Management", Gary Hamel argues that organizations need management innovation now more than ever. Why? The management paradigm of the last century - centred on control and efficiency - no longer suffices in a world where adaptability and creativity drive business success. To thrive in the future, companies must reinvent management.Hamel explains how to turn your company into a serial management innovator, revealing: the make-or-break challenges that will determine competitive success in an age of relentless, head-snapping change; the toxic effects of traditional management beliefs; the unconventional management practices generating breakthrough results in 'modern management pioneers'; the radical principles that will need to become part of every company's 'management DNA'; and, the steps your company can take now to build your 'management advantage'. Practical and profound, "The Future of Management" features examples from Google, W.L. Gore, Whole Foods, IBM, Samsung, Best Buy, and other blue-ribbon management innovators.  《管理大未来》颇具争议的管理新著中,哈默教授运用深刻的分析和生动的描述,颠覆了人们习以为常的传统思想,设计了一套帮助企业在21世纪不断进行管理创新的新机制,从而更有目的性地迎接未来挑战。正如《金融时报》所言,管理大师德鲁克在世也一定会爱上这《管理大未来》。在这部处处彰显惊世骇语的“管理探索”著作中,哈默的思考与见证将引导所有读者,共同参与这场必将发生的“管理大未来”!企业经营长期制胜的秘籍是什么?既不是卓越的运营,也非新的商业模式,正确的答案是管理创新——组织不断拥有激活人才、配置资源和构建战略的新方式。在上个世纪,在“管理的技术”层面取得的突破使得通用电气、宝洁、丰田等企业不断提升经营业绩,并建立起长远的竞争优势,但遗憾的是,绝大多数企业缺乏一种产生重大的管理创新的过程与机制。全球知名管理大师、“核心竞争力”理念首创者加里?哈默教授依据多年的企业研究和分析指出,在组织的绩效取决于适应性和创新性的新环境下,当今流行的聚焦于控制和效率的组织管理模式已然过时。那些期望获得长期、持续性竞争优势的企业更应该关注管理创新,例如谷歌、惠而浦、戈尔、全食超市等公司。《管理大未来》向人们昭示:在21世纪,一种管理变革的新风潮正在发生,而且它将席卷未来的整个商业世界。


  Gary Hamel is Visiting Professor of Strategic and International Management at the London Business School and Director of the Management Innovation Lab. He is the author of Leading the Revolution and coauthor of Competing for the Future.   加里·哈默,前伦敦商学院战略及国际管理教授,创办了全球著名创新公司Strategos顾问公司。作为战略研究领域最前沿的大师,哈默在企业管理界获得殊荣无数:《经济学人》称他为“世界一流的策略大师”;《财富》杂志称他为“商业战略管理的领路人”;《华尔街日报》最近评选的“全球100位最有影响力的商业思想家”中排名第一;《第五项修炼》的作者彼得·圣吉赞誉他是“西方世界在策略领域最具影响力的思想家”。   哈默在策略思考领域地位卓著,提出了许多突破性的观念,如战略意图、战略架构,以及商界耳熟能详的“核心竞争力”等,改变了许多知名企业的战略重心和战略内容。哈默与C·K·普哈拉德合著的《竞争大未来》出版时被《经济学人》、《金融时报》及《华盛顿邮报》评选为“最具影响力的商业书籍”。



Preface  ix Part I  Why Management Innovation Matters 1  The EndofManagement?  The Ultimate Advantage  3  An Agenda for Management Innovation 

Part II  Management Innovation in Action 4  Creating a Community of Purpose  5  Building an Innovation Democracy  6  Aiming for an Evolutionary Advantage 

Part III  Imagining the Future of Management 7  Escaping the Shackles  8  Embracing New Principles  9  Learning from the Fringe ……


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装  帧:精装

页  数:272

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸
