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作  者:吕丹妮 主编

出 版 社:首都师范大学出版社

丛 书:小学教师教育本科段教材


定  价:25.00

I S B N :9787810649018

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练    

标  签:成人教育教材  大学  教材教辅与参考书  教学理论  外语教学  综合  小学英语  口语  教材  大学英语  英语与其他外语  




《英语听说(一)》是北京市高等教育自学考试委员会开设的“初等教育专业(独立本科段)”英语方向专升本的自学教材,也是考试命题的主要导向。 本教材共设有三个单元:日常交际用语、课堂用语和课外活动。每个单元又分为若干个专题课,每课都围绕着一个主要的话题展开听说练习。这些练习分三个部分:专题讲练、听力练习(其中包括听对话、短文、综合听写)和会话作业。其目的是指导学习者在了解考试命题范围和题型的同时,对每个单元的专题进行反复练习,提高英语听说能力。


Part One Daily Expressions In Communication
Lesson 1 Greetings,Introductions and Farewell
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 2 Asking Time,Date,Festival and Answer
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 3 Talking about the Weather
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 4 Making phone Calls
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 5 Shopping
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 6 At the Library
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversatlon Practlce
Lesson 7 Asking the Way
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Pracuce
Lesson 8 Taking Meals
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practme
Lesson 9 Making an Appointment
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practce
Lesson 10 Seeing the Doctor
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 11 Getting a Haircut and at the Photographer'S
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 12 At the Bank/At the Post Office
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 13 Sports and Entertainments
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice
Lesson 14 Traveling
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practme
Lesson 15 Expressing Certain Emotions
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
3.Conversation Practice

Part Two Classroom English
Lesson 1 Expressions Often Used
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
Lesson 2 Teaching Activities
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
Lesson 3 Asking and Checking Homework
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
Lesson 4 Revision and Examination
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice

Part Three Extracurricular Activities
Lesson 1 English Corner
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
Lesson 2 English Speech Contest
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
Lesson 3 English Evening
1.Speaking Practice
2.Listening Practice
附录 听力技巧介绍


Passage 2
Mrs.Black lives in a small town.Her husband was a businessman andgot much money.One summer the Blacks spent their holiday by the sea.Onthe first night the fire broke out in their hotel.When they were woken up bythe noise outside,they were trapped above the fire.Mr.Black helped hiSwife and son to escape from the fire.but he lost his life in the fire.Thewoman was very sad and tried her best to train his son to be a scientist.Theyoung man had great success in his studies and now works in a big office inLondon.Of course she’S happy.
Last week Mrs.Black heard from her son.In the letter he wrote thathe knew a girl at a party and they loved each other and that he hoped hismother could see the girl.The woman drove her car to the capital.Badluck!Something was wrong with it and she had tO get it repaired and shestayed in a hotel overnight.Her room was on the fourth floor and she lookedat it carefully.Suddenly she remembered something and hurried to comeout.She began tO look for the fire escape.At the end of the passage shefound a roOITl.She opened it and went in.And an old man was bathingthere.In order to cover up her embarrassment,she asked herself.“Where’Sthe fire escape?”and then she hurried off.
And soon she heard someone calling out behind.She stopped tO have alook.The old man,being bare,shouted,“Has the hotel caught fire yet?”



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装  帧:平装

页  数:248

版  次:1版

开  本:16

