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剑桥少儿英语教材全解 预备级(第6版)

剑桥少儿英语教材全解 预备级(第6版)

作  者:剑桥少儿英语培训及研究中心 编

出 版 社:西安交通大学出版社


定  价:15.00

I S B N :9787560553825

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  少儿英语    

标  签:少儿英语  少儿英语教程  童书  




  剑桥少儿英语培训及研究中心所著的新《剑桥少儿英语教材全解(预备级)》(CYLE Text Learning)是该系列中非常重要的教辅,是教师和学生充分理解教材的必备工具书。此次“新剑桥”教材的内容更丰富,活动更多样,这无疑会给教师教学、学生自主学习及家长辅导增加了较高的难度。为破解这种难题,新《剑桥少儿英语教材全解》对“新剑桥”教材进行了全面解读,突出教学重点,突破教学难点,对教材内容进行详实注解。


Lesson 1 Hello, Birdie!
Lesson 2 I like green
Lesson 3 Let's count
Lesson 4 I love dinosaurs
Lesson 5 Up and down
Lesson 6 All about shapes
Lesson 7 Here comes the train!
Lesson 8 The moon is like a banana
Lesson 9 Let's save water
Lesson 10 We all love ice cream
Lesson 11 I can draw a house
Lesson 12 Colourful leaves
Lesson 13 Buying shoes
Lesson 14 Big as a dinosaur
Lesson 15 You and I are friends

Lesson 1  Hello, Birdie! Lesson 2  I like green Lesson 3  Let's count Lesson 4  I love dinosaurs Lesson 5  Up and down Lesson 6  All about shapes Lesson 7  Here comes the train! Lesson 8  The moon is like a banana Lesson 9  Let's save water Lesson 10  We all love ice cream Lesson 11  I can draw a house Lesson 12  Colourful leaves Lesson 13  Buying shoes Lesson 14  Big as a dinosaur Lesson 15  You and I are friends Lesson 16  We love teddy bears Lesson 17  Good morning, John! Lesson 18  What's going on? Lesson 19  Birdie, where is your nest? Lesson 20  Little swallows, fly, fly, fly! Lesson 21  My dog is brown Lesson 22  Fish under the sea Lesson 23  What beautiful stars in the sky! Lesson 24  The sun is red Lesson 25  Mirror, mirror on the wall Lesson 26  Two little black birds Lesson 27  Our lovely rabbits Lesson 28  Let's chew bubble gum Lesson 29  What would you like? Lesson 30  Let's make a birthday cake! Lesson 31  I'm growing tall Lesson 32  Do the action games! 教材参考答案


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:161

开  本:大32开

纸  张:胶版纸
