 您现在的位置:图书 > 晨读英语美文100篇.四级——晨读英语美文100篇


作  者:肖婵,李晓燕 主编

出 版 社:中国社会出版社

丛 书:晨读英语美文100篇


定  价:12.80

I S B N :9787508704128

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    

标  签:综合  大学英语四级  英语考试  英语与其他外语  四级写作  英语四级  语言类考试  考试  




为了给您提供一份精美的英语早餐,让您的英语水平在每天开口的15分钟里潜移默化、逐步提高,我们博采众长、精挑细选,从浩如烟海的经典妙文和鲜活时文里给您筛选、组合了这本《四级晨读美文100篇》,带给您一份清新年面的全新感受。 本书的特点: 一、经典时新、兼容并蓄。文章选取中,既注重经典名篇的精华选辑,又注重最新报刊杂志上时文美文的挑选。 二、题材广泛,内容新颖。记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文这四类题材均有涉及,让您每天十五分钟朗读中全面提升。 三、语言规范、生动活泼。所选文章语言优美、文法地道,是锤炼、陶冶语言技巧、语言修养的最好资料。 四、知识性强、趣味性好。很多文章富于哲理,耐人寻味,在浓浓的人文氛围、文化氛围中获得人生的升华。 五、佳句赏析、妙语如珠。每篇文章后面有经典句子欣赏,指出文章精妙之处,让您反复回味。 六、配有汉语译文,易于诵读者体会英汉双语语境表达同一美好主题时的不同感觉和语言的差异。


1. Happiness
2. The English Character
3. Exercise
4. Olympic Games
5. The American Obsession:Fast Food
6. Come as You Are
7. An lrish Wedding
8. Challenges of School
9. Building Bridges
10. Stuggling in America
11. Comments on the American Dream
12. Medicine for a Broken Heart
13. Hong Kong Ousts Tokyo as Most Expensive City
14. To Do or Not to Do?The Answer Is a Click Away
15. About Streaking
16. Loving and Learning-A Good Match
17. Leisure and Boredom
18. The Boredom
19. Austalia:A Land of Exceptional Beauty
20. Every Living Person Has Problems
21. Cokies
22. English as a Crazy Language
23. Oh,babies!
24. Butterfly's Wings
25. Difference between Cultures
26. Friendship
27. Encouragement
28. Schooling and Education
29. Children's Numerical Skills
30. Modern American Universities
31. The Origin of the Refrigerators
32. Truancy in Universities-an Analysis
33. My Perfect Wife
34. Ode to Cigarettes
35. Types of University Students
36. The History of Thanksgiving Day
37. Christmas Carols
38. Taking Children to College
39. Pub-talk
40. Feather in the Wind
41. Problems and Opportunities
42. Everything Is to Be Paid for
43. Mom's Little Guide
44. What Happened to Suday?
45. Old Couple at McDonald's
46. Paper Still Has Weight
47. Dating with My Mother
48. Cat with a Phone Number
49. Vancouver:A World-Famous Port City
50. How to Win Frends and influence People
51. Stress
52. Companionship of Books
53. Disney World
54. Humor
55. Passing on Small Change
56. The Power of Beauty
57. Examinations-a Necessary Evil
58. Building Your Own House
59. The Success Personality


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装  帧:平装

页  数:399

版  次:2005-02-01

开  本:32开
