 您现在的位置:图书 > 国际商务(第7版)(英文版)


作  者:(美)希尔 著,周健临 改编

出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社

丛 书:工商管理经典教材·国际化管理系列


定  价:45.00

I S B N :9787300103396

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:国际贸易理论方法  国际贸易  贸易经济  经济  经管专业  大学  教材教辅与参考书  










第1篇 引言和概论
    第1章 全球化

第2篇 国家差异
    第2章 政治经济中的国家差异
    第3章 文化的差异
    第4章 国际商务伦理

第3篇 国际贸易与投资环境
    第5章 国际贸易理论
    第6章 国际贸易中的政治经济
    第7章 国际直接投资
    第8章 区域经济一体化

第4篇 全球货币制度
    第9章 外汇市场
    第10章 国际货币体系
    第11章 全球资本市场

第5篇 国际企业战略与组织结构
    第12章 国际企业的战略
    第13章 国际企业的组织
    第14章 进入战略与战略联盟

第6篇 国际商务运营
    第15章 出口、进口与对等贸易
    第16章 全球生产、外包与物流
    第17章 全球营销与研发
    第18章 全球人力资源管理
    第19章 国际企业会计
    第20章 国际企业财务管理


United States and other long,established developed nations seems likelv Bv itseIf,this is not bad The relative decline of the United States reflects the growing economic devel,opment and industrialization of the world economy,as opposed to any absolute declineIn the health ot the U.S.economy,which by many measures is stronger than ever Most forecasts now predict a rapid rise in the share of world output accounted for by developing nations such as China,India,Indonesia,Thailand,South Korea,Mexico,and brazil and a commensurate decline in the share enjoyed by rich industrialized countries such as Great Britain,Germany,Japan,and the United States.If current trends continue,the Ghinese economy could be larger than that of the United States on a purchasing powerparity basis,while the economy oflndia will approach that of Germany.The WorId Bank has estimated that today's developing nations may account for more than 60 percent ofworld economic activity by 2020,while today'srich nations,which currentlv account formore than percent of world economic activity,may account for only about 38 percent.Porecasts are not always correct,but these suggest that a shih in the economic geographvof the world is now underway,although the magnitude of that shift is not totally evident.For international businesses,the implications of this changing economic geography areclear Many of tomorrow's economic opportunities may be found in dle developing nationsof the world,and many of tomorrow's most capable competitors will probably also emergefrom these regions. Reflecting the dominance of the United States in the global economy US firms accounted tor 66.3 percent ot worldwide foreign direct investment flows in the l960s.British.firms were second,accounting for 10.5 percent,while Japanese firms were a distant eighth,with only 2 percent.The dominance of U.S.firms was so great that books were wntten about the economic threat U.S corporations posed to Europe.Several European governments,most notably France,talked of limiting investment by U.S.firms.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:450

印  次:1

版  次:7版

开  本:16开

