 您现在的位置:图书 > 体育英语专业系列教材—英语听说教程(第二册)(配有光盘)


作  者:田慧 总主编

出 版 社:北京大学出版社

丛 书:体育英语专业系列教材


定  价:39.00

I S B N :9787301144930

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:教材与辅导  大学  教材教辅与参考书  口语  教材  大学英语  英语与其他外语  综合  体育  






Unit 1 Family
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 2 Jobs
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 3 Business
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 4 Music
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 5 Disasters
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 6 Legends and Myths
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 7 Shopping
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 8 Women Around the World
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 9 Travel
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 10 Famous People
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 11 Health
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation

Unit 12 Memories
Part Ⅰ Dialogue
Part Ⅱ Remember, We're Raising Chileren, Not Flowers!
Part Ⅲ Stay-at-Home Dads
Part Ⅳ A Moving Story About FAMILY
Part Ⅴ News
Part Ⅰ Pronunciation Practice
Part Ⅱ Speaking Activities
Part Ⅲ Situational Dialogue: Making Invitation



Part II Job Interviews——Selling Yourself
You' 11 never sell any product that is as important as yourself, so you want to do it right.Selling yourself is your most basic selling job. You can sell yourself in job interviews or inyour performance on the job so you can get a job or earn a promotion. You can also sellyourself in working with outsiders to make yourself attractive to other companies and thusenhance your career and your earning power. Almost everybody in business must go throughthe process several times throughout his or her career.
Having been through the same experience myself several times, I have my own fourcardinal rules to follow which can help you in the job interview to sell yourself better.
1. Show prospective employers what you can do for them. What do you bring that'sunique? To paraphrase President Kennedy, ask not what your employer can do for you, butwhat you can do for your employer. Don' t tell the interviewers what' s on your resume, whichthey have already read. Instead, tell them how you are going to do this job better than anyoneelse. In other words, sell your advantages, not your features. You do that by talking aboutyour knowledge and your skills——the expertise and contacts you have developed in your fieldand the abilities you have developed over your career.
2. Maintain an open attitude. Openness is the quality that is essential in virtually everykind of social and business talk if you are to be successful. Don' t be so business-like in yourdemeanor that you stifle your openness. Communicate your enthusiasm for the job. This is arefreshing characteristic that employers don't always find in job interviews. This quality isthe one that can make the difference for the applicant who displays it.

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页  数:286

版  次:1版

开  本:16开

