 您现在的位置:图书 > 妙语短篇A1


作  者:(美)麦瑟尔德 编,江雷红 改编

出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社

丛 书:上外一朗文学生系列读物


定  价:7.00

I S B N :9787544609975

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:综合  英语读物  朗文英语  特色/品牌英语  英语与其他外语  




【上外-朗文学生系列读物】是为中国学生编写的一套系列读物,内容风趣,程度由浅入深。该系列读物每册包括15至20个妙趣横生然而又寓意深刻的小故事。每个故事后都配有一组针对中国学生需要的练习。各册词汇难度循序渐进,使学生学起来毫不费力但又在不知不觉中有所提高。每个故事后的插图生动活泼,既可提高学生兴趣,又有助于他们更好地理解故事的含意。   本系列读物既可在课堂上使用,也可供各级水平的英语爱好者自学。每册后附有习题答案,以方便读者查考。


Introduction 前言
 1 A Difficult Question
 2 The Hole in the Ground
 3 Quick Thinking
 4 The New Doctor
 5 A Cheap Meal
 6. Not a Small Problem
 7. The Package
 8. A Sad Story
 9. The Best Salesman in the World
 10. Your Need is Greater Than Mine
 11. A Very Important Person
 12. Violin Lessons
 13. Not So Stupid
 14. No Elephants
 15. How Wars Begin
 Answer Key 答案


Four girls went to school every day by taxi.
One day one of the girls said, "There's a test this morning. Let's get to school late. Then we won't have to take the test.""What can we tell the teacher?" one of the girls said."He'll be angry. We'll need a good excuse."
The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said, "Let's tell him that our taxi had a flat tire."
"That's a good idea," the other girls said. "We'll tell him that."They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished.
"Why are you late?" the teacher asked. "You missed the test." "Our taxi had a flat tire," one of the girls said.
The teacher thought for a moment, then he said, "Sit down, one of you in each corner of the room."
The four girls did this.
Then the teacher said, "Write on a piece of paper the answer to this question: Which tire was flat?"

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:96

版  次:1版

开  本:32

