 您现在的位置:图书 > 中国人民解放军空军(英)


作  者:卢小萍 著 (美)格蕾 译

出 版 社:五洲传播出版社


定  价:92.00

I S B N :9787508522272

所属分类: 人文社科  >  军事    

标  签:军事  军种  空军  政治 军事  




     For many years,the PLA has been largely a subject of speculation and guesswork.That’S all about to change because of the publishing of The Series of Chinese Army。 What equipment does the PLA use? HOW does the PLA train? HOW will the PLA fight? 《中国人民解放军空军》Written by Chinese authoritative Lu Xxiaoping military experts,the series will unveil the long shrouded secrecy。



Chapter 1 Peistence and Courage
    ——The Birth ofthe People's Liberation Army Air
“Newborn”一Liu Yalou Assigned to Build Air Force
“Planting the Seed”一The CPC’S Fit Pilots and Aircraft
 The“Cradle”一The“Old Northeast Aviation Academy” 
“Take—Off'’一The Fit Flight Squadron and the Fit Air
 Force Unit
“Growing Up”一The Fit Test of the People’S Air Force

Chapter 2 In the Skies of the Korean Peniula
 Ready for Challenge
 Breaking the Myth
“The Heroic Wang Hai Group”
Bombing the Taehwa—do&Sohwa—do
 Innovative Tactics to De,at the Enemy
 A Handshake Over the Pacific

Chapter 3 Creating a “ Territorial Air Defee”|
 Air Power
 The Liberation of Yijiangshan Islands
 Striking High—Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft
 Exterminating the“Black Bat”
Hunting the“Black Widow”
Fighting agait Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft
 Beating High—Altitude Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft
 Fighting Second—Generation Fighter Aircraft

Chapter 4 Composition of the PLA Air Force Arms
 The Air Force Aviation Arm
 SAM Units
 Radar Units
 Air Force Communicatio Units
 Airborne Troop
 Other Military Arms

Chapter 5 Main Equipment of the PLA Air Force
 Development of the PLA Air Force Equipment
 Aviation Equipment
 Radar Equipment

Chapter 6 Peacetime Missio
 Disaster Relief
 Supposing National Economic Development

Chapter 7 A Special Group
    ——Women  Pilots
 China’S Fit Group of Women Pilots
 Women Fighter Pilots Flying over Tiananmen
 China’S Fit Woman Pilot General
 Meritorious Woman Pilot
 The Fit Woman Commander of the PLA Aviation Division
 Overcoming Cancer tO Return to the Skies

Chapter 8 Beyond Blue Skies
    ——International Exchanges and Cooperation
    Conductedby the PLAAF
 Open—Minded Gene
 Fights Make Friends
 A Special“Air Combat”
Missio for Peace
 A Collision that Created Sparks
 Flying Farther and Higher into the Blue Sky


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:194

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸
