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作  者:(美)科默(Comer,D.E.) 著

出 版 社:机械工业出版社

丛 书:经典原版书库


定  价:45.00

I S B N :9787111204190

所属分类: 专业科技  >  计算机/网络  >  软件应用与开发    

标  签:综合  网络与通讯  计算机与互联网  




DouglasComer是著名的网络技术作家、教师和顾问,他对因特网的概念和工作原理有其独到的见解和清晰的认识。在本书的第4版中,Comer教授从一种非技术化的角度来解释因特网后台的工作机制、计算机的通信方式、服务器以及因特网技术的原理。作者借助实用的方法,以清晰易懂且科学准确的语言介绍了因特网的各种技术及其不同的应用,向读者展示出网络互连和因特网的全景图。 本书主要特色   ?三大新增章节:   NAT:介绍因特网的连接。   远程安全接入(VPN)。   公司和个人网页(Wiki及Blog)。   ?关键网络概念,如分组交换、局域网、协议软件和域名。   ?全新的内容,包括Wi-Fi的无线联网技术、Web制作工具,以及关于网络安全性的讨论。   ?包括电子商务的概述以及如何利用网络进行业务和商业交易。   ?采用更多易于理解的定义扩展了术语表的内容。


道格拉斯·科默(DotJglas E.Corner)博士是美国普渡大学(Purdue University)计算机科学系资深教授,美国计算机学会(ACM)会员,精通软、硬件,曾开发过包括TCP/IP协议软件、编译程序、设备驱动程序和操作系统在内的许多低层的软件系统,曾在贝尔实验室制作过VLSI芯片。科默是因特网体系结构委员会(IAB)的成员,在因特网的形成过程中立下了汗马功劳,目前是计算机诸多领域的领军人物。在教学大纲制定和实验室筹建方面,科默堪称先驱,他的著作已被翻译成16种文字出版。科默在业界咨询工作中声明远扬,为全世界成千上万的专业工程师和学生答疑解惑,时任Software:Practice and Experience杂志主编。


Chapter 1 The Internet Has Arrived
 The World Has Changed
 Numbers Do Not Tell The Story
 Learning About The Internet
 Understanding The Big Picture
 Terminology And Technology
 Growth And Adaptability
 The Impact Of The Internet
 Organization Of The Book
 A Personal Note
Chapter 2 Getting Started: Hands-On Experience
 The Web: Sites And Pages
 Web Browsers and Browsing
 Using A Browser
 Examples Of Web Sites And Services
 Internet Search
Chapter 3 Telephones Everywhere
 A Communication Service
 Selling Communication
 Limited Access
 High Cost
 The Difficult Transition
 Ubiquitous Access
 Relevance To The Internet
Chapter 4 The World Was Once Analog
 Sound, Vibrations, And Analog Recording
 Analog Electronic Devices
 Many Electronic Devices Are Analog
 The First Analog Communication
 Analog Is Simple But Inaccurate
 Sending An Analog Signal Across A Wire
 Digital Music
 The Digital Revolution
 Computers Are Digital
 Digital Recording
 Using Digital To Recreate Analog
 Why Digital Music?
Chapter 5 The Once And Future Digital Network
 The World Was Previously Digital
 A Telegraph Is Digital
 Morse Code
 Letters And Digits In Morse Code
 Users Did Not Encounter Morse Code
 Virtually Instant Communication
 Speed Is Relative
 The Telephone Became Digital
 Relevance To The Internet
 Binary Encoding Of Data On The Internet
 Why Use Two Symbols?
Chapter 6 Basic Communication
 Communication Using Electricity
 Signals On Wires
 Information Coding
 Modems Allow Two-Way Traffic
 A Character Code For Digital Information
 Detecting Errors
Chapter 7 The Local Area Network Arrives
 Interchangeable Media
 A Computer Consists Of Circuit Boards
 Circuit Boards Plug Into A Computer
 Connecting One Computer To Another
 LAN Technologies
 Connecting A Computer To A LAN
 The Importance Of LAN Technology
 Relationship To The Internet
 PART II A Brief History Of The Internet
Chapter 8 Internet: The Early Years
 Many Independent Networks
 The Proliferation Of LANs
 Facts About LANs
 LANs Are Incompatible
 Wide Area Technologies Exist
 Few WANs, Many LANs
 WANs and LANs Are Incompatible
 The Desirability Of A Single Network
 The Department Of Defense Had Multiple Networks
 Connecting Disconnected Machines
 The Internet Emerges
 The ARPANET Backbone
 Internet Software
 The Name Is TCP/IP
 The Shock Of An Open System
 Open Systems Are Necessary
 TCP/IP Documentation Is Online
 The Military Adopts TCP/IP
 A Personal Note
Chapter 9 Two Decades Of Incredible Growth
 Disseminating The Software
 Meanwhile, Back In Computer Science
 The Internet Meets UNIX
 The U.S. Military Makes A Commitment
 The Internet Doubles In Size In One Year
 Every Computer Science Department
 Graduate Students Volunteer Their Time
 The IAB evolves
 Doubling Again In A Year
 The Internet Improves Science
 NSF Takes A Leadership Role
 Target: All Of Science And Engineering
 NSF’s Approach
 The NSFNET Backbone
 The ANS Backbone
 Exponential Growth
 A Commercial Assessment
 The End Of Growth
Chapter 10 The Global Internet
 Early ARPA Netwos
 Electronic Mail Amng Computers
 Networks In Europe
 EBONE: The Internet In Europe
 Backbones And Internet Hierarchy
 Internet On All Continents
 The World Of Internet after 1998
 A Personal Note
Chapter 11 A Global Information Infrastructure
Chapter 12 Packet Switching
Chapter 13 Internet: A Network Of Networks
Chapter 14 ISPs: Broadband And Wireless Access
Chapter 15 IP: Software To Create A Virtual Network
Chapter 16 TCP: Software For Reliable Communication
Chapter 17 Clients + Servers = Distributed Computing
Chapter 18 Names For Computers
Chapter 19 NAT: Sharing An Internet Connection
Chapter 20 Why The Internet Works Well
Chapter 21 Electronic Mail
Chapter 22 Bulletin Board Service (Newsgroups)
Chapter 23 Browsing The World Wide Web
Chapter 24 World Wide Web Documents (HTML)
Chapter 25 Advanced Web Technologies (Forms, Frames, Plugins, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Chapter 26 Group And Personal Web Pages (Wikis And Blogs)
Chapter 27 Automated Web Search (Search Engines)
Chapter 28 Text, Audio, And Video Communication (IM, VoIP)
Chapter 29 Faxes, File Transfer, And File Sharing (FTP)
Chapter 30 Remote Login And Remote Desktops (TELNET)
Chapter 31 Facilities For Secure Communication
Chapter 32 Secure Access From A Distance (VPNs)
Chapter 33 Internet Economics And Electronic Commerce
Chapter 34 The Global Digital Library
Appendix 1 Glossary of Internet Terms


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装  帧:平装

页  数:380

开  本:16

