 您现在的位置:图书 > 希尔伯特空间导论


作  者:(英)勇 著

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司


定  价:35.00

I S B N :9787510042782

所属分类: 专业科技  >  自然科学  >  数学    

标  签:数学  数学分析  自然科学  




     在数学领域,希尔伯特空间是欧几里德空间的一个推广,其不再局限于有限维的情形。与欧几里德空间相仿,希尔伯特空间也是一个内积空间,其上有距离和角的概念。此外,希尔伯特空间还是一个完备的空间,其上所有的柯西列等价于收敛列,从而微积分中的大部分概念都可以无障碍地推广到希尔伯特空间中。希尔伯特空间为基于任意正交系上的多项式表示的傅立叶级数和傅立叶变换提供了一种有效的表述方式,而这也是泛函分析的核心概念之一。希尔伯特空间是公式化数学和量子力学的关键性概念之一。 这本《希尔伯特空间导论》(作者勇)是英文导论本。


1 Inner product spaces
 1.1 Inner product spaces as metric spaces
 1.2 Problems
2 Normed spaces
 2.1 Closed linear subspaces
 2.2 Problems
3 Hiibert and Banach spaces
 3.1 The space L2(a, b)
 3.2 The closest point property
 3.3 Problems
4 Orthogonal expa io
 4.1 Bessel's inequality
 4.2 Pointwise and L2 convergence
 4.3 Complete orthonormai sequences
 4.4 Orthogonal complements
 4.5 Problems
5 Classical Fourier series
 5.1 The Fejer kernel
 5.2 Fejer's theorem
 5.3 Pa eval's formula
 5.4 Weie trass' approximation theorem
 5.5 Problems
6 Dual spaces
 6.1 I The Riesz-Frechet theorem
 6.2 Problems
7 Linear operato
 7.1 The Banach space .~(E, F)
 7.2 Inve es of operato
 7.3 Adjoint operato
 7.4 Hermitian operato
 7.5 The spectrum
 7.6 Infinite matrices
 7.7 Problems
8 Compact operato
 8.1 Hilbert-Schmidt operato
 8.2 The spectral theorem for compact Hermitian operato
 8.3 Problems
9 Storm-Liouville systems
 9.1 Small oscillatio  of a hanging chain
 9.2 Eigenfunctio  and eigenvalues
 9.3 Orthogonality of eigenfunctio
 9.4 Problems
10 Green's functio
 10.1 Compactness of the inve e of a Sturm-Liouville operator
 10.2 Problems
11 Eigenfunction expa io
 11.1 Solution of the hanging chain problem
 11.2 Problems
12 Positive operato  and contractio
 12.1 Operator matrices
 12.2 M6bius tra formatio
 12.3 Completing matrix contractio
 12.4 Problems
13 Hardy spaces
 13.1 Poisson's kernel
 13.2 Fatou's theorem
 13.3 Zero sets of H2 functio
 13.4 Multiplication operato  and infinite Toeplitz and Hankel matrices
 13.5 Problems
14 Interlude: complex analysis and operato  in engineering
15 Approximation by analytic functio
 15.1 The Nehari problem
 15.2 Hankel operato
 15.3 Solution of Nehari's problem
 15.4 Problems
16 Appmximatioa by meromorphie functio
 16.1 The singular values of an operator
 16.2 Schmidt pai  and singular vecto
 16.3 The Adamyan-Arov-Krein theorem
 16.4 Problems
 Appendix: square roots of positive operato
 A we  to selected problems
 Index of notation
 Subject index


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页  数:239

开  本:24开

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