 您现在的位置:图书 > 圆硕教育•商务英语热点专题阅读100篇


作  者:Elliott Bernstein,刘佳静 著

出 版 社:首都师范大学出版社

丛 书:白领英语手边书


定  价:39.00

I S B N :9787565606939

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  行业英语    

标  签:外语学习  职业/行业英语  






Elliott Bernstein,哥伦比亚大学硕士;现居北京,是自由作家、翻译、咨询顾问;著作涉及金融市场、国际旅行及中国文化;曾在南京大学-约翰斯·霍普金斯大学中美中心进修。


UNIT 1 品牌管理Brand Management MP3 001-004
1当一个品牌过于强大 When a Brand‘s Reputation Is Too Strong
2Shock可乐在竞争中保护自己的品牌形象 Shock Cola Protects Its Brand Image from the Competition
3产品植入与品牌联合 Product Placement and Co-Branding
4品牌社区的力量 The Power of Brand Communities
UNIT 2 商业环境Business Environment MP3 005-009
5什么能造就良好的商业环境? What Makes a Good Business Environment?
6城市发展中的商业空间 Urban Development of Commercial Space
7国家级的商业环境 The National-Level Business Environment
8国际组织与商业环境规定 International Organizations and Business Enviornment Regulation
9为小企业寻找合适的空间 Finding the Right Space for a Small Business
UNIT 3 商业伦理Business Ethics MP3 010-015
10法律与商业伦理 Law and Business Ethics
11工作场所中的安全 Safety in the Workplace
12国际贸易中的道德准则 Ethics in International Business
13当营销人员做法过分 When Marketers Go Too Far
14工作场所中的歧视现象 Discrimination in the Workplace
15金融犯罪 Financial Crime
UNIT 4 公司简介Company Profiles MP3 016-021
16Tigertronic向新方向进军 Tigertronic Branches out
17Goldie健身房在竞争中遥遥领先 Goldie’s Gym Gives the Industry a Run for Its Money
18Cormack‘s的品牌重塑 Revamping the Cormack’s Brand
19在Charlie‘s享受欢乐时光 Have a Ball at Charlie’s
20四公司简介 Four Brief Company Profiles
21撰写公司简介 Writing a Company Profile
UNIT 5 公司战略Company Strategy MP3 022-027
22Matterware改变策略在印度提高销售额 Matterware Shifting Gears to Boost Sales in India
23Classebooks.Com宣布新战略,公司重组 Classebooks.Com Announces New Strategy, Company Restructuring
24Bulldog汽车在经济低迷中发展壮大 Bulldog Motors Beefs up During Economic Downturn
25Aerowest改进外包业务 Aerowest Revamps Outsourced Operations
26企业结构中的冗余 Redundancies in Corporate Structure
27直接营销的喜与悲 Triumph and Tragedy in Direct Marketing
UNIT 6 客户服务Customer Care MP3 028-032
28外包的利与弊 The Benefits and Drawbacks of Outsourcing
29世界各地的客户服务 Customer Service around the World
30保持业务关系 Maintaining a Business Relationship
31售后服务与客户满意度 Post-Sale Service and Customer Satisfaction
32客户服务中的问题跟踪系统 Issue Tracking Systems in Customer Service
UNIT 7 财务管理Financial Management MP3 033-036
33管理个人开销 Managing Individual Expenses
34管理账簿 Balancing the Books
35做预算的好处 The Benefits of Budgeting
36记账员、会计和注册会计师 Bookkeepers, Accountants, and Cpas
UNIT 8 人力资源Human Resources MP3 037-040
37人力资源信息系统 Human Resources Information Systems
38人力资源部门的重要性 The Importance of the Human Resources Department
39招聘方法可成可败 Hiring Practices Can Be Make or Break
40感谢人事员工 Thanking Human Resources Staff
UNIT 9 Industry Analysis 行业分析 MP3 041-045
41谁会使用行业分析? Who Uses Industry Analysis?
42关于天然食品行业的行业分析 Analyzing the Natural Foods Subsector
43中国奢侈品市场概览 Market Overview for Luxury Accessories in China
44美国国内的汽车竞争格局 The Competitive Landscape for Automobiles in the United States
45男士钟表的市场进入 Market Entry for Men‘s Timepieces
UNIT 10 Jobs and Career工作与事业 MP3 046-051
46互联网上的求职者 Job Seekers on the Internet
47简历与求职信 Resumes and Cover Letters
48自定义你的申请材料 Customizing Your Application
49Mixed传媒正在招聘 Mixed Media Is Hiring
50如何与职业中介公司合作 How to Work with a Recruitment Firm
51别忘了你的人际关系网 Don’t Forget Your Networks
UNIT 11 Leadership领导力 MP3 052-055
52领导力培训有效吗?Is Leadership Training Effective?
53慈善领袖 Philanthropic Leaders
54企业领导简介 Profiles in Business Leadership
55皇后区酒店之王 The Queen of Queens Hotels
UNIT 12 Management管理 MP3 056-060
56委派职责 Delegating Responsibilities
57团队合作 Teamwork
58如何进行员工考评 How to Conduct Staff Appraisals
59提拔公司人才 Promoting Company Talent
60管理创造力 Managing Creativity
UNIT 13 Marketing市场营销 MP3 061-066
61Queen清洁用品公司失去往日辉煌 Queen Clean Losing Its Sheen
62使产品具有生命力 Bringing a Product to Life
63电子营销 E-Marketing
64针对儿童的市场营销 Marketing to Children
65国际市场中的Friendo‘s  Friendo’s in the International Market
66直销模式 The Direct Sales Model
UNIT 14 Mergers and Acquisitions 兼并与收购 MP3 067-071
67作为商业策略的兼并与收购 Mergers and Acquisitions as Business Strategy
68反托拉斯法与垄断 Antitrust Laws and Monopolies
69联邦贸易委员会批准Quikstop与Snack Barn的兼并 Quikstop-Snack Barn Merger Approved by FTC
70Transx 科技放弃与CCT的兼并交易,接受Concom的出价 Transx Technologies Calls off Merger Deal with CCT, Accepts Concom‘s Offer
71顾客起诉试图阻止Club Buy与Costmart的兼并 Customers Sue to Block Club Buy-Costmart Merger
UNIT 15 Networking 人际关系网 MP3 072-076
72建立商业网络 Business Networking
73销售你的个人品牌 Selling Your Personal Brand
74快速建立人脉网络 Speed Networking
75跟进的艺术 The Art of the Follow up
76找出你的人际关系网 Identifying Your Networks
UNIT 16 Product Pricing产品定价 MP3 077-081
77自定义你的订单 Customizing Your Order
78产品定价心理学 The Psychology of Product Pricing
79产品如何定价? How Are Products Priced?
80为你的产品确定合适的价格 Determining the Right Price for Your Product
81价格战 Price War
UNIT 17 Reporting Results 报告结果 MP3 082-085
82盈利报告 An Earnings Report
83Sterling炼油厂的新闻报道 Newspaper Reports on Sterling Refineries
84芯片行业的负面新闻 Negative News for the Chip Sector
85Talger设备公司的法律纠纷 Legal Trouble for Talger Equipment
UNIT 18 Starting a Business创办公司 MP3 086-090
86撰写商业计划书 Writing a Business Plan
87你的企业规模 The Scale of Your Business Venture
88政府如何帮助你? How Can the Government Help You?
89选择商业伙伴 Choosing a Business Partner
90特许经营模式 The Franchise Model
UNIT 19 Trade贸易 MP3 091-095
91新旧市场模式 Marketplaces New and Old
92贸易与劳动分工 Trade and the Specialization of Labor
93什么是商人? What Is a Trader?
94零售与消费市场 Retail and the Consumer Marketplace95电子商务革命 The E-Commerce Revolution
UNIT 20 Ways of Working工作方式 MP3 096-100
96安排你的时间 Scheduling Your Time
97工作中的人体工程学与保健 Ergonomics and Health at Work
98组织心理学家对个人工作方式的研究 Organizational Psychologists Study Individual Work Styles
99工作环境中的通讯技术 Communications Technologies in the Workplace
100那么你打算成为一名自由职业者…… So You Want to Be a Freelancer...


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