 您现在的位置:图书 > 空中英语教室:彭蒙惠英语(高级版)(2012年1月)(附光盘1张)


作  者:刘彬 编

出 版 社:吉林省《空中英语教室》杂志社


定  价:9.00

I S B N :9771001412000



标  签:外语  外语期刊  外语学习  杂志/期刊  




《空中英语教室:彭蒙惠英语(高级版)(2012年1月)》封面故事为A Time for Traditions.
  The origin of the Lunar New Year Festival can be traced back thousands of years ''''and involves a series of color-ful legends and traditions. One of the
  most famous legends is Nian(年), an extremely cruel and ferocious beast that ancients believed would devour people on New Year''''s Eve. To keep Nian away, red-paper couplets are pasted on doors, torches are lit and fire-
  crackers are set off throughout the night because Nian is said to fear the color red,the light of fire and loud noises. Early the next morning, as feelings of triumph and renewal fill the air at successfully keep-ing Nian away for another year, the most popular greeting heard is gong xi(恭喜), or "con-gratulations."


Defying the Odds
Kick-start your New Year with some steps in the right direction!
Protecting Your Online ldentitty
Be careful what you post online-the world is watching
Quietly Powerful
Are you quiet and a good listener? Then we have a leadership job for you
The Churchill Belugas
Head to chilly northern Canada for a warm welcome from these friendly whales
NEWSworthy Clips
Scientists shed new light on an old theory, Mexico aims to increase tourism in 2012,and products bear strange new markings
Josh Groban''''s llluminations
Singer Josh Groban heads off the beaten path to carve out a new sound
Jacks of All Trades and Masters of All
Fewer employees are doing more-why being multitalented could boost your career options
Smart Communication
Tablets are the cool new tool in helping challenged children embrace education
A Time for Traditions
Celebrating Lunar New Year requires familiarity with age-old rituals and traditions
Legal Challenges for Cloud Computing
Storing digital information is getting easier, but there may be a price to pay
A Guitar Artisan
Fallen trees make sweet music in the hands ofthese guitar craftsmen


"It''''s supposed to be tight," a guide says helpfully as we stuff ourselves like sausage meat into bottoms, tops, gloves, hoods and booties. Masks with snorkels complete the ensemble.
  And then we are off, past the blooming purple fireweed and white arctic daisies, past the huge town grain elevator that holds crops for European
  export, past the old fort.
  We have sort of clear water. We have sun. And also, for a bit, we have no whales. The day before, they had been all over us as we kayaked.Glistening white backs arced out of the water.
  Breathy little puffs surrounded us as the whales exhaled through their blowholes.
  But today, at Button Bay where the whales usually hang out, we instead get a big old bear slowly pacing the shore, twitchy black nose in the air.
  Bears are here in Churchill because they''''ve always been here. It''''s people who are the intruders. In summer,the bears are hot and lazy.We saw them by helicopter one day, lying sprawled like rugs across cool muck and wading in shallow water just offshore. They weren''''t eating because nothing-not birds or fish or even people-is worth the effort. They''''re waiting for ice to form in the fall, so they can reach the nice, fat,calorie-rich seals.
  Back to belugas
  As for the belugas, they are true creatures of the arctic.The 3,000 0r so that come to Churchill every summer spend winters at the top end of Hudson Bay,which in whale terms is like sticking around the neighborhood.
  They are tiny compared to your run of the-mill 15-m humpback at rarely more than 5 m,with that silly dolphin grin and hearing sharp enough to pick up sounds in water.25 km away.Beluga swimming started in Churchill about 15 years ago. Back then, you''''d be lucky to see a couple after spending an hour in the water.
  Today, you are likely as not to be mobbed. And the various tour companies have worked out a good summer itinerary that includes trips across the
  tundra and visits to sights in the area.

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