 您现在的位置:图书 > 2013淘金考研英语阅读180篇(3分册装)基础训练+提高冲刺:含阅读A、B、C节,全文翻译,彻底读透考点——华研外语


作  者:钦寅 主编

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司


定  价:49.80

I S B N :9787510007989

所属分类: 教育学习  >  考试  >  考研    

标  签:考试  考研  考研英语  




  1. 第一分册:30篇题源外刊阅读+15篇阅读理解B节+15篇阅读理解C节;
  2. 第二分册:60篇阅读理解A节;
  3. 第三分册:10套阅读冲刺训练。


  他在教学与培训领域独树一帜,积极倡导“多元智能”(Multiple Intelligence)理论和“快速学习法”(Accelerated Learning),在此基础上开发了“综合图示学习法”(Map-based Integrated Learning),并成功应用于语言教学与培训中。


The Economist《经济学人》
1. 学生贷款
2. 女性与就业
3. 南非的母语受到威胁
4. 女性经济
5. 城市的故事
6. 美国零售业巨头抢占英国市场
7. 大学生精神压力大
8. 广告中令人无法抗拒的声音
9. 盲目乐观也有好处
10. 情商的作用被夸大
The Mckinsey Quarterly《麦肯锡季报》
11. 言传影响购买决定
12. 改变公司对女性的看法
13. 寻找一种全球银行都适用的可持续模式
14. 投资时间的选择策略
15. 报纸的一线希望
16. 密码之死
17. 现代科技使人更孤独
18. 楼市崩溃下的一线曙光
19. 全球变暖的另一面
20. 改变心态能否使人变得更年轻?
The New York Times《纽约时报》
21. 法学院和司法考试是否还有存在的必要
22. 远程教育诈骗
23. 眼下减少住房资助的时机不对
24. 单性别学校无益
25. 不宜通过增强免疫力应对感冒
US News & World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》
26. 乐观心理可以增加幸福感
27. 休假的益处
28. 为何美国公司不再“美国”?
29. 女性更应该思考退休计划
30. 巴菲特法则是一项不好的税收政策
 第一章 考点突破
  第1节 题型介绍
  第2节 解题必备的英语篇章知识
 第二章 你该懂的应试技巧
   应试技巧1 利用词汇衔接原则解题
   应试技巧2 代词线索解题
   应试技巧3 时间、数字等线索定位
   应试技巧4 利用“总-分”结构解题
   应试技巧5 利用平行对称结构解题
 第三章 实战训练15篇
   Texts 1-15
 第一章 考点突破—理解句意
   第1节 常考考点归纳
   第2节 关键词义确定
 第二章 难点突破—如何表达
   第1节 必备翻译技巧
   第2节 应试必备要点
 第三章 实战训练15篇
   Texts 1-15
阅读A节60篇  第一章 如何抓住考点
   第1节 了解8项大纲要求
   第2节 掌握8个命题规律
   第3节 决胜阅读3招技巧
 第二章 如何抓住考点
   第1节 正确选项设置的3大规律
   第2节 干扰项设置的4大规律
   第3节 2个答题必杀技
 第三章 实战训练60篇
   Texts 1-60

模拟冲刺60篇   Test 1 - Test 10


  Technology is supposed to make our lives easier,allowing US to do thingsmore quickly and efficiently.But too often it seems to make things harder.Thisspiral of complexity,often called“feature creep,”costs consumers time,but italso costs businesses money.Product returns in the U.S.cost a hundred billiondollars a year,and a recent study by Elke den Ouden,of Philips Electronics,found that at least half of returned products have nothing wrong with them.Consumers just couldn’tfigure out how to use them.Companies nOW know a great deal about problems of usabifity andconsumer behavior.SO why is it that feature creep proves unstoppable?
  In part,feature creep is the product of the S0—called internal—audience problem:the people whodesign and sell products are not the ones who buy and use them,and what engineers and marketersthink is important is not necessarily what’S best for consumers.The engineers tend not to notice whenmore options make a product less usable.And marketing and sales departments see each additionalfeature as a new selling point,and a new way to lure customers.
  You might think,then,that companies could avoid feature creep by just paying attention to whatcustomers really want.But that’S where the trouble begins,because although consumers find overloaded gadgets unmanageable,they also fend them attractive.It turns out that when we look at a new productin a store we tend to think that the more features there are,the better.It’S only once we get the product home and try to use it that we realize the virtues of simplicity.
  It seems odd that we don’t anticipate feature fatigue and thus avoid it.But.as nmnerous studies have shown,people are not,in general,good at predicting what will make them happy in the future.As a result,we will pay more for more features because we systematically overestimate how often we’11 use them.We also overestimate our ability to figure out how a complicated product works.
  The fact that buyers want bells and whistles but users want something clear and simple creates a peculiar problem for companies.A product that doesn’t have enough features may fail to catch OUr eyein the store.But a product with too many features is likely to annoy consunlers and generate bad word of mouth,as BMW’S original iDrive system did.

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